Career Exploring
This is the amount of credits it takes to graduate from Shiocton High School
What is 25
Entrance exam for the military and to learn what career you are good at.
What is the ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Appitude Battery) and it is taken your junior year in January.
The computer program that a student can access at home with their parents to preview their ILP's and find careers amongst other things.
What is WIScareers.
Where you can find local scholarship information
What is, counselor corner, scholarship information or in a binder in pupil services.
This is one thing that can be used for cheating, taking inappropriate pictures, and cyberbullying.
What is cell phone usage during school. If your parent needs to get ahold of you shut your phone off and let them leave you a message. If it is an emergency remember the good old days when we called the office for that. We did survive before cell phones, you won't die without it. Some carriers will let you purchase a plan where you can shut texting or phone time off during certain hours of the day. Please do not be surprised if we confiscate phones and help us enforce the rules.
This is the amount of English credits you will need to go to college and to graduate from Shiocton High School. Next tell me what two UW schools require two years of a foreign language for admission.
What is 4. You will need four years of English in order to graduate. UW- Madison and UW-Eau Claire.
All tenth graders take this exam to find out how they have learned over the years. Also they will be exempt from their finals in core areas if they score proficient or advanced.
What is the WCKE.
This is a two part question. Where does Mrs. Uelmen post all of her information for college and announcements are posted their everyday and what does Mrs. Uelmen say to you if you don't get the announcements?
What is the bulletin board outside the highschool office and I quote "that is not my problem". What soft skill do you use to find them if you do not hear them?
Only A students and the most involved get all the scholarships
What is why students to not apply for scholarships. When in reality we encourage everyone to apply to every single scholarship they can. Often people think this way and then I end up with one application for a scholarship.
The amount of days allowed for excused absences unless you have a medical excuse.
What is ten days.
What is the one subject area required for college that does not align with high school graduation requirements.
What is Science. Shiocton only requires 2 credits of science to graduate but to enter a four year UW school you need 3 years. Plan accordingly!
This stands for the American College Testing and the Scholastic Appitude Test.
What is ACT and the SAT. You will take these tests in order to attend a four year institute and some two year institutes. Wisconsin is a predominantly ACT state and all colleges accept the ACT.
What is the name used where Freshmen through Seniors go to find out information on colleges. It is recommended that you start early and that students take parents and ask lots of questions.
What is a college visit. The question always comes up, "when should we start visiting colleges?" There is never a bad time to start taking college visits.
This scholarship is a free ride and stipend to Madison if you major in the science, health, or engineering areas.
What is the Wilbert and Evelyn St. John Memorial Scholarship. See me after if you are interested in it.
Short shorts, tank tops with spaghetti straps, short skirts.
What is inappropriate clothing.
Taking hard and rigorous classes and course work
What is the best way to study for the ACT.
A test Juniors may or may not take to prep for the SAT. If you score well on it you have the possibility of getting a national scholarship.
What is the PSAT
What is an individual learning plan where students document positive areas in the social, academic, and career domains. This plan will follow students throughout their high school career. It is to help them with college applications, work, and scholarships.
One of the biggest factors when a scholarship committee selects a recipient is this......
What is character and behavior. Although grades and extra-curriculars are important students have a greater edge if they are respectful to staff and rules. We are definitely remember for poor behavior more then good but it is not the way you want to be remembered.
Copying and pasting wording off of wikipedia, copying answers off of your partners work, and changing one or two words in a sentence and calling it your own are examples of these
What is plagerism, and will result in a F for the assignment or an F for the quarter.
500, I dont' want those classes I chose in January.
What is your course selections not your schedule. You will do your schedule the week of June 21-25th.
This is a test that may be given after coursework in certain subject areas or at the college you will be attending. It can save you money by giving you college credit if you score well on it.
What are Advanced Placement Tests or better known as AP Tests.
The two quickest ways to receive information on college or other happening events.
What is skyward and the 'link'. Please update your student and parent emails in skyward. I send updates and reminders out via the message board but also send emails out at the same time. If you do not have an email it is difficult to get this info. Also the 'link' has information in it all the time. Get into the habit of checking these two things.
This is where you can go and find volunteer service.
What is or the Fox Cities Volunteer Center. Join! Join! Join!
Inappropriate show of affection, embracing or other improper or inappropriate behavior which can result in a level one or level two infraction.
What is the policy for public displays of affection.