What are three things you should do when at the boat dock with your campers?
1. Introduce yourself to the kids
2. Introduce yourself to the parents
3. Pass out name tags and learn names!
What do you do if a camper gets injured or feels sick at camp?
Take them to the nurses station, or ask someone for help!
Adult staff will flicker the lights in each cabin to indicate it is time to start getting into bed and settling down.
True or False: As a counselor, I can act however I want with my fellow counselors, as long as there is no campers around?
False! Campers see and hear everything, remember to always act as a role model at camp
Why is it important to encourage privacy of others, their equipment, and their property?
To ensure everyone feels camp is a safe and comfortable environment.
How do you choose which bed each camper will sleep in?
Create a bunk map while at the boat dock
How can you help your campers be prepared for their sessions?
Go over the schedule ahead of time, if they are going to a water session, make sure they put on their swimsuit beforehand!
What are some things you can ask your campers at the end of each night?
1. What sessions they attended
2. What they enjoyed about the day/what they learned
3. Any problems they have
4. Any suggestions
When is it important to have a positive attitude?
ALWAYS :) starting at the boat dock!
True or False: Campers are allowed in the cabin without a counselor?
What do you do if your camper finds any medications in their suitcase while unpacking?
Take it to the nurses station to be properly stored and documented
What should be the first thing you do when you arrive at a session or activity?
Take attendance!!!!
What are some hygiene necessities we want to make sure our campers are doing everyday?
Taking a shower, brushing their teeth, changing their clothes
What should you do if you hear a rumor about a fellow counselor or situation at camp?
Ignore it! Do not go tell other people or ask other people what they have heard about it.
How can you keep the cabin clean and organized?
Encourage campers to be responsible for their own area, make beds, keep suitcases closed and valuables hidden, clean each day!
What are some ways to help your kids get in the spirit of camp?
Decorate the cabin! Make bunk tags
What is your role during meal time?
1. Make sure all your campers are accounted for
2. Discourage "playing" with food or other inappropriate behaviors
3. Make sure your campers are eating/drinking "something"
How do you enforce lights out?
Encourage all campers to get in their beds, turn off the lights, minimize talking
Do not favor campers! Sometimes who need the most love and attention are often the least lovable.
What ways can you help a camper get settled in their cabin?
Help them carry their belongings from the craft barn to the cabin, help younger campers find their bedding and make their bed
What things can you talk about during your first cabin meeting?
Conduct a cabin meeting!
1. Help campers get to know each other
2. Cover the basic rules of camp
3. Show them around camp!
4. Review the camp schedule
How should you encourage participation in sessions?
Participate yourself and get involved! Invite campers to be on your team or do the activity with you
What do you do if a camper has to use the bathroom in the middle of the night?
Don't make them feel bad about waking you up! Take them to the bathroom, remember the "rule of three"
How do you keep conversation amongst campers and counselors positive?
Discourage negative discussion and individual shortcomings of others
Explain the "Rule of 3"
While in the cabin there always needs to be at least three people together at all times, this can be two counselors with a camper, or two campers with a counselor. A counselor is never to be alone in a cabin with one camper