These Tulles were really good at Martial Arts
Ninja Turtles
Adam and Eve
How were Moses and Aaron related?
For a long time we were known as the church behind what?
Family Video
Where are the Gibbs heading when they leave Michigan?
South or Ohio
These two guys ran around in tights and capes and fought off villains like The Riddler and The penguin.
Batman and Robin
Abraham and Sarah's first born sons name
What was the tenth plague in Egypt that caused Pharaoh to let Israel go?
Death Angel
The big "whole town" event that takes place ever year in the fall is called what?
Which of the Gibbs was the last holdout to play basketball?
Tim and Al had this show within a show
Tool Time
The name of the boy that Abraham had with Sarah's maidservant Hagar?
Besides Manna and Water, what did God provide the Israelites while out in the wilderness?
The newest fast food place to come to South Lyon is what?
Who is the most obnoxious Gibbs to play basketball?
Tim Allen's Character on Last Man Standing
Mike Baxter
What was the name of Isaac's wife?
What was the name of the sea that God parted allowing the Israelites to cross over on dry land?
The Red Sea
What is the name of the mobile home park behind the church?
South Lyon Woods
Who is the tallest of the Gibbs?
The name of the deputy on the Andy Griffith Show
What was the name of Jacob's FIRST wife?
What was Moses' sisters name who watched over him when his mom put him in the river to hide him?
What is the name of the nursing home here in South Lyon?
South Lyon Gardens
Who would probably say he was the best looking of the Gibbs boys?