Harm Reduction
DSM & Models of Wellness
Group FaciliTAYtion

Rather than asking "What is wrong with you?", what should a trauma informed peer counselor ask to shift their perspective? 

"What has happened to you?"


Rather than saying "committed suicide" what is a person centered way of referring to this cause of death? 

"Died by suicide" 

"Took their own life" 


Name two examples of harm reduction in everyday life.

Brushing your teeth, wearing a seat belt, getting a flu shot, washing your hands, crossing the street when the sign signals its okay.


A peer comes in, shoulders slumped, looking down. She reports having low motivation and difficulty getting out of bed in the mornings. What could be a DSM diagnosis for this person? Explain your reasoning.



Give three examples of group roles discussed in the workshop. 

Task Leader





What's the difference between acute trauma and chronic trauma?

Acute trauma is a single traumatic event that is limited in time.

Chronic trauma refers to the experience of multiple traumatic events.  They may be varied and/or longstanding events.


What are some interactive activities you might use to help a peer process and express their grief? Name at least two. 

Inside/Outside Mask

The way it was/ The way it is now/ The way I want it to be.

Grief Wheel

Inner Terrain 

Any of the activities done in the small groups! 


How would you apply the “safety first” principle of Harm Reduction to a peer who was actively using crack on the streets?

Referring peer to clean crack pipes, encouraging not to share pipes, setting a time and place, being mindful of dosage in different settings, paying attention to tolerance levels


A peer reports feeling on edge constantly.  She has had difficulty sleeping at night because she is up worrying about her job and various personal relationships.  As she's speaking you notice she's beginning to hyperventilate.  What DSM diagnosis is this peer likely experiencing? 

Anxiety - stress induced symptoms (Generalized Anxiety Disorder) with panic attacks/panic disorder


Why is silence important to use as a group facilitator? 

Can be useful to give group members a few moments to reflect on what’s been said and to feel feelings.

Also gives facilitators a few moments to feel into the group process and what to do/say next. 


The dynamic developmental process resulting in healthy adaptation despite adversity is known as:



Why is cultural humility important when talking about grief or death with a peer? 

Understanding religious/spiritual/cultural beliefs or rituals they have surrounding their death


What is the opposite of addiction? Explain your answer.

  • Connection 

  • The quality of our relationships can either motivate us toward or away from experiences where we have/want to numb ourselves. (Mice video)


Contrast the Wellness Model to the Medical Model

Wellness - Based on the rejection of the medical model - mental health challenges are not limited to brain disfunctions, but how our mental health has an impact on our lives.  Environmental factors are also important to a person's mental health (Nurture) 

Medical - This is the idea that mental illness is a biological, brain  disorder. Like having a physical disease, but in your brain. (Nature)


Why do we use group facilitation within peer counseling? Give two examples. 

  • Lets group members know that they are not alone in their struggles

  • Allows the opportunity for group members to give and receive support

  • Encourages multiple perspectives from group members 


A trauma informed counselor should consider adverse childhood experiences as well as adverse community experiences. Give two examples of each. 


What are the 4 Tasks of Greif 

T - to accept the reality of the loss

E - experience the pain of the loss

A - adjust to the new environment without the person

R - reinvest in the new reality


What would the language of Harm Reduction say in place of "addiction?"

Chaotic Drug Use, Drug Misuse


Even though the DSM is useful for clinician's to provide the best treatment, what are some critiques of the DSM? 

The DSM describes the symptoms and signs, but does not explain the causes behind mental health conditions 

Over diagnosing/misdiagnosing still occurs 


You notice there's a lot of chatter and interruption occurring amongst group members. What group facilitation technique* would you use to address this?

*Name/describe the specific technique and provide an example of what you would say. 

Naming - Using reflective statements to reflect on group dynamics / process 

"I notice there's a lot of talking happening. Let's make sure everyone get to have their voices heard one at a time."

"There's a lot of engagement happening today! I'm glad you all are willing to participate but let's make sure we're not interrupting each other." 


The impact of potentially traumatic events depends on several factors. Name 5

• The person’s age and developmental stage 

• The person’s perception of the danger faced 

• Whether the person was the victim or a witness 

• The person’s relationship to the victim or perpetrator 

• The person’s past experience with trauma 

• The adversities the person faced prior to and following the trauma 

• The presence or availability of adults who can offer help and  protection


In the effort of destigmatizing suicide, what information is important to share with others struggling to understand?  

Brain functioning is impaired

Chronic, untreated depression can lead to suicidal thoughts and behaviors 


A peer you're working with just got out of prison. He says he's happy to be clean but doesn't know if he'll be able to resist temptation from heroin and may relapse.  How would you best support him using harm reduction strategies?

  • Educating him on being mindful of his dose

  • Validation that's he's happy to be clean, celebrate that he has freedom

  • Providing referrals to resources within TAY SOC (clean needles, methadone


A peer comes in and you observe that they're experiencing symptoms of schizophrenia. They express feeling distressed from hearing voices for the last 6 months. Using the wellness model, how you best support this peer? 



Active Listening 

Non judgmental/de-stigmatization 


You are facilitating a group of 10 and notice the same 2 members are the only ones responding to the discussion. What group facilitation technique  would you use to ensure everyone's voices are heard and what would you say? 

*Name the specific technique and provide an example. 

Technique - Guiding Inclusive Participation 

Application - "Maybe from someone we haven't heard from yet?"

"_______, did you want to add anything?"

Popcorn style 

Calling on group members 

Offering choices 
