We use the Bible for a source of history, guidance, inspiration, prayer, and many other reasons. What is the overall umbrella term for us "Jesus Believers"
About how "new" is the New Testament?
About 2000 years old
What is the first story in the Old Testament?
What religion uses just the Old Testament (part without Jesus)?
How many times can you read about the birth of Jesus in the Bible?
2 times
It's found in Matthew and Luke
Is the Old Testament one long story?
There are many stories, but they don't always go in order. And there are also sections with no stories and bits of advice and songs
How many "books" are in the Bible?
Jesus commands us to do 2 things
Love God
Love Your Neighbor
How did the first people learn the Bible stories?
by word of mouth
Eventually, these stories were collected and written down
What part of the Bible does not include Jesus specifically?
Old Testament
What were Jesus' friends or followers called?
What is the title of a person who "speaks for God"?
About how much of the Bible is the New Testament?
about 1/4
According to our religion, what is the most important miracle in the New Testament? Hint: there's a holiday for it
The resurrection or Easter
Who was the prophet that wrote a some of the Old Testament and gave us the 10 Commandments?
In our church, do we believe there was just one author of the Bible (GOD) or several authors?
several authors
Trinity means something is in 3 parts.
What are 3 ways God is presented in the New Testament?
God (Creator, Father, Mother)
Jesus (Son)
Holy Spirit (Holy Ghost)
Other than Moses, who is one other Old Testament prophet?
Daniel, David, Samuel, Jonah, Isaiah, Abraham, Noah, Jacob, Joshua, Elijah, etc