What is Diversity?
People of different races or different gender.
What is Indentity?
It’s all the things that make you, you – such as beliefs, physical appearance, religion, talents, ethnicity, language, gender, birthplace, likes and dislikes.
What is Disabitiy?
A difference some people are born with or develop that affects how they move, talk, think or act.
What are some things that can help a blind person?
A walking stick or a seeing eye dog.
What is a Collage?
What are Values?
What you believe in and find to be important to you. Values can change as you grow and experience new things.
What is Ability?
Being able to do something; a natural or learned skill.
What are some things Deaf people use to be able to hear?
A earing aid
What is Characteristics?
Things about someone or something that can be seen (visible), like brown skin or curly hair; or that are not seen (invisible) on the surface, like hobbies, language, where they’re from, and likes and dislikes.
What makes me who I am?
What makes you who you are, and how are other people similar to and different from you.
What is a disability that has to do with eyes?
It's called being Blind.
What is a way deaf people communicate called?
What is Invisible Charateristics?
Things about a person that cannot be seen; like how you feel, your values or where you’re from.
What is an way we can be identify called?
An I.D
Name is a disability that has to do with your ears?
It's called being Deaf.
What is a way we distinguish ourselves from other people?
our names.
What is Visible Charateristics?
What someone looks like, like hair color or eye color.
Name one person in this room that has a disability?
Ms.Cori or Ms.M