What is the city on the hill? It is also called the city of peace. It sat on Palestine's high mountain ridge about 2,500 feet above sea level. It was not good for farming and did not have enough water, but it did lay in the path of a major trade route.
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The strong man of the Bible is_____________?
Who is Samson?
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This person was likely a teenager when she got pregnant with Jesus
Who is Mary?
The wisdom book of the Bible
What is the book of Proverbs?
200 Extra Points!
What was the mountain of the Ten Commandments? While Moses was on the mountain "the people witnessed the thunderings, the lightning, the sound of the trumpet, and the mountain smoking; and when the people saw it, they trembled and stood afar off."
Mount Sinai
Who is the wisest man in the Bible?
The means in which a person gets saved
What is faith?
Extra 200 points!
The scripture that says "Wait on the Lord, and He will renew your strength, your will soar like eagles, walk and not faint"
What is Isiah 40:31
These two men betrayed Jesus on the night of His death
Who is Judas and Peter?
Minus 300 if you get it wrong!
The church that was tempted to be brought back under the law of Moses, in the New Testament
What is the church of Galatia
This passage states we have all sinned and fell short of God's glory?
What is Romans 3:23
Minus 300 if you got it wrong!
The number "66" represents what in terms of Bible Composition?
What is the number of books in the Bible?
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What were considered to be the two most wicked cities?
Sodom and Gomorrah
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This man was Paul's son in the faith
Who is Timothy?
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The scripture that says "God so loved the world"
What is John 3:16
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The third person of the trinity
Who is The Holy Spirit