The number "66" represents what in terms of Bible Composition?
What is the number of books in the bible?
Where was Jesus Born?
What is Bethlehem?
The strong man of the Bible is_____________?
Who is Samson?
This person was likely a teenager when she got pregnant with Jesus
Who is Mary?
This scriptures "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life"?
What is John 3:16?
What was the mountain of the Ten Commandments? While Moses was on the mountain "the people witnessed the thunderings, the lightning, the sound of the trumpet, and the mountain smoking; and when the people saw it, they trembled and stood afar off."
What is Mount Sinai?
Who is the wisest man in the Bible?
Who is Solomon?
Showed great courage by telling the Persian king about a plan to assassinate him, and later, a plan to have all the Jews in Persia killed.
Who is Esther
God said, follow me and I will make you a ______________?
What is "Fisherman of Men"?
What is the longest book in the Bible? by chapter
What is the Book of Psalms?
What were considered to be the two most wicked cities?
What is Sodom and Gomorrah?
The first person who was appointed to be the King of Israel was____________?
Who is Saul?
Only female judge mentioned in the Bible
Who is Deborah?
Who Baptized Jesus?
Who is John the Baptist?
What is the Shortest book in the Bible?
That is Third John?
On what sea did Jesus calm the storms?
What is Sea of Galilee?
This person was swallowed by a large fish; afterwards he preached a revival.
Who is Jonah?
When Pharaoh’s daughter found him and took pity on him, she offered up their mother to nurse him so they could stay together.
Who is Miriam?
How many of each animal did Moses bring onto the ark?
What is Zero, Noah built the ark?
There are two books that list the account of Jesus' birth. Please name at least one of them.
What is Matthew and Luke?
What is the name of the place John was at when he wrote the book of Revelation?
What is Patmos?
Who was the first Christian martyr?
Who is Stephen?
The first example of a female preacher or teacher in early church history; an example of a Godly wife in the Bible
Romans 16:3-4
On the seventh day, how many times did Joshua and The Israelites march around Jericho?
What is Seven Times?