What Jake Doesn't Know
People That Are Unalive
Phineas and Ferb
Medical Myths
Oh Captain My Captain

This device powers the time-traveling Delorean in the hit series Back to the Future

What is the Flux Capacitor?


At the Passover the Israelites ate lamb, unleavened bread and this tart produce.

What is bitter herbs


This man died once and was raised from the dead, saving us all.

Who is Jesus


This is the first thing Phineas and Ferb build.

Bonus: How did it disappear?

What is a rollercoaster.

Bonus: By a magnet attached to a helicopter


This savory pastime is commonly thought to remain in your body for seven years, but actually moves right through your digestive track.

What is chewing gum


Spent 75 years as a cap-sickle.

Who is Captain America?


Daily Double

This captioned picture depicts an older gentleman sitting on a chair wearing large mittens

What is the Bernie meme?


This green dish was eaten in large quantities by Mater in the 2011 movie Cars 2.

What is Wasabi


Daily Double

This man died at his last stand in the Battle of Little Bighorn.

Who is General Custer


This bird is mentioned in the theme song of the show.

What is a dodo bird


It is commonly believed that at least eight glasses of this substance should be ingested each day, but experts explain that most of the 2.5 liters comes from food. We re to drink or eat about eight glasses of fluid a day. 

Bonus: Can you die from drinking to much of this substance?

What is water

Bonus: Yes, if you drink 3 to 4L in a few hours your brain can become over saturated.


This captain is known for stating the plain and simple

Who is Captain Obvious 


This dynamic duo stars in the hit skit "Who's on First".

Who are Abbott and Costello?


This food was hidden on the set of the Avengers by Robert Downey Jr. (Tony Stark)

What is Blueberries


This fictional character died at the snap of his own fingers.

Bonus: In what movie did this occur?

Who is Iron Man/Tony Stark

Bonus: Avengers: Endgame


Phineas and Ferb are often told this when encountering adults during their adventures.

What is "Aren't you a little young to be..."


It is commonly believed that you must wait for an hour after eating to take part in this activity to avoid cramps, however eating actually does nothing to increase the likelihood of cramps.

What is swimming


Daily Double

He may be the worst pirate you've ever heard of, but you have heard of him.

Who is Captain Jack Sparrow


A twenty-sided shape.

What is Isodecohedron


What is Kielbasa


This man used to host Jeopardy until his death in November of 2020.

Who is Alex Trebek


This actress voices Candice.

Who is Ashley Tisdale


It has long been thought that most of the body heat is lost through this part of the body, however the amount of body heat lost is only about 7 to 10 percent of total body heat.

What is the head


Edward John Smith was the captain of this ship which perished on it's maiden voyage.

What is the Titanic?

This book, which never made it into scripture, speaks to the seven watchers (we know them as archangels) in the throne room of God. 

What is the Book of Enoch


This meat is considered a delicacy in Greenland

What is Whale Meat


This character dies only a few minutes into the movie after the audience has already gotten a chance to get to know her.

Who is Elle


Phineas and Ferb compose a song about this metal or plastic tube fixed tightly around each end of a shoelace. 

What is Aglet


This sore developed inside the stomach lining is commonly thought to be caused by worry, but is actually caused by infection with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) and long-term use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

What is an ulcer


Illegally piloted his own smuggling vessel for a group of galactic terrorists, coined the phrase "Never tell me the odds"


Final Jeopardy:

This time-traveling dog shares a name with a famous, early 1900s theoretical physicist.

Who is Einstein
