What kind of leaves did Adam and Eve use in an attempt to cover their nakedness? 1) Fig 2) Sycamore 3) Palm 4) Olive
FIG LEAVES Genesis 3:7
Who said they would like to learn about financial literacy
The first book of the new testament
The strong man of the Bible is ?
What is the biggest animal in the world ?
Blue Whale
On `day six`, what did God do? 1) Created living creatures of the sea 2) Gathered together the waters into seas 3) Created living creatures of the air 4) Created living creeping things on land
Created living creeping things on land Genesis 1:20-23
Who said they wanted to do field events professionally ?
The wisdom book of the Bible
Who is the wisest man in the Bible ?
How many hearts does an octopus have ?
Who built ancient Babylon (Babel)? 1) Asshur 2) Enoch 3) Nimrod 4) Merodach
NIMROD Genesis 10:8-10
Who said they would want to have dinner with a football player?
The book of the Bible that features several songs would be?
This man robbed his brother Esau's birthright
Who built a city and named it after the name of his son, Enoch? 1) Cain 2) Lamech 3) Jabal 4) Terah
CAIN Genesis 4:17
What is the most popular birth month in youth service ?
The number "66" represents what in terms of the Bible Composition
The total number of books in the bible
The first person who was appointed to be the king of Israel was ?
Name any Volcano in the Caribbean
La Soufrière
Mount Pelée
Kick' em Jenny
Methuselah is recorded in the Bible as having lived the longest life - 969 years. Who is recorded as having lived the second longest life - 962 years? 1) Jared 2) Adam 3) Enoch 4) Lamech
JARED Genesis 5:20
Who said punching numbers was their dream Job ?
There are two books that list the account of Jesus' birth. Please name at least one of them
Matthew or Luke
This person was swallowed by a large fish; afterwards he preached a revival
Name 2 wild meats eaten in the Caribbean
Mountain Chicken