Was Mary a virgin
Mary is a virgin
Who was born before Jesus and was his relative?
John the Baptist
Who did David kill first to become a hero?
What is the last book in the New Testament?
How many books in the Bible are there? (According to Protestants)
Who came to visit Mary to tell her she was going to be pregnant?
Angel Gabriel
Where did Jesus first performed his miracle and what was the miracle?
At a wedding, and the miracle was he turned water to wine
Why was Daniel safe from the lion's mouth?
Because he prayed and had faith in God
10 men and only 1 came back
Who got blinded for killing christians in the New Testament but then became a christian that wrote a few books in the New Testament?
Jesus was born to pay for our sins
What happened when was getting arrested which caused him to perform another miracle?
Peter cut off a soldier's ear and Jesus healed the soldier's ear
How many books in the Old Testament are there? (For protestants)
How many books in the New Testament are there? (Protestants)
Who's sons were killed due to the father's lack of discipline?
Priest Eli
Who's bloodline was Jesus born in?
King David
When Jesus was getting arrested, what was the name of the garden?
What was the last book in the Old Testament before the New Testament? (Protestants)
When a woman that was ill for 12 years healed because she touched Jesus's clothing, what did Jesus say?
"Who touched me?"
Who was the woman that killed Sisera in the Old Testament with a tent peg?
What was Jesus gifted at his birth by the wise men?
gold, frankincense, & myrrh
Who came to Jesus at night secretly to learn more about his teachings?
Who was the prophet that came to tell King Hezekiah that he was going to die? and did Hezekiah die right away? (bonus if you can explain why)
Isaiah and no
(Because he knelt down and earnestly prayed to God)
What does Ephesians 4:29 say?
Only say things that lift each other up and refrain from talking corrupt things
"Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouth, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen"
Who was the oldest man that lived according to the Bible? (bonus if you can name the years he lived)
Methuselah at the age of 969