How many days did GOD take to create the world (and everything in it)?
6 days
How many books in the bible did Jesus directly write?
True or False: The Bible is the most popular book ever written. (by copies sold)
* research conducted by the British and Foreign Bible Society in 2021 suggests that the total number probably lies between 5 and 7 billion copies.
How did Moses’ mother save him from the Egyptian soldiers?
She waterproofed a basket and put the child in it
Who was David’s son that became king?
(King) Solomon
Where did GOD give Moses the Ten Commandments?
Mount Sinai
Who was Jesus' most famous cousin?
John the Baptist
What are the names of Adam and Eve’s three sons as listed in the Bible?
Cain, Abel, Seth
What is the shortest verse in the Bible?
John 11:35 “Jesus wept”
GOD sent a total of 10 plagues on Egypt, what was the final plague that convinced Pharaoh to let the slaves go?
The firstborn son of all Egyptian families died
Through what did GOD speak to Moses in the desert?
A burning bush
True or False: during the last supper, Jesus washed His Disciples feet.
True; “then He poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples' feet and to wipe them with the towel that was wrapped around him” (John 13:1–5)
Which books of the Bible record David’s time as king?
1st and 2nd Samuel
What did the spies sent into Canaan see that made them scared?
Giants in the land.
* For more information read Numbers 13:27-30
What were men trying to do at the Tower of Babel?
Build a tower to reach Heaven
What was GOD’s sign to Noah that He would never destroy the earth again?
A Rainbow
Name the place where Jesus walked on water.
Sea of Galilee
There are a total of 66 books in the Bible, how many in the Old Testament and how many in the New Testament?
Old Testament: 39 books
New Testament: 27 books
Who else was in prison with Joseph?
The Pharaoh's cupbearer/butler and chief baker
Who was the woman judge who led Israel to victory?
Prophetess Deborah
* This is a victory told in two accounts, a prose narrative in Judges 4 and a poem, known as the Song of Deborah, in Judges 5
How did GOD make people spread out across the earth?
Because the people had built a tower in defiance of Him, GOD then caused the one language on the earth to be confused
How many of Jesus’ brothers are named in the Bible?
4 brothers; Mark 6:3 names James, Joseph, Judas (conventionally known in English as Jude) and Simon as the brothers of Jesus
* Matthew 13:55, which probably used Mark as its source, gives the same names in different order, James, Joseph, Simon and Judas.
The Bible was written in three languages. Name at least two.
The Bible was written on three continents. Name at least two.
Languages: Hebrew, Aramaic, and (koine) Greek
Continents: Asia, Africa, and Europe
With what did Samson kill 1,000 Philistines?
A donkey’s jawbone
How many days and nights did it rain when Noah was on the ark?
40 days and nights