Why are the Gospels called the Gospels?
They are the story of Jesus life
Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life no one comes on to ______________ except through me. John 14:6
Jesus said this person would be the rock by which he builds his church. His name means rock. Matthew 16:18
For God so
Loved the word that He gave us his only son, so that who so ever believes in his should not persist but have eternal life.
At Jesus circumsision This person said he could die now that he met Jesus. Hint: I spoke about this person in last weeks sermon.
How many of the gospels teach about Jesus birth?
2 Luke and Matthew
Jesus said Father forgive them ___________________ ____________________________________________ Luke 23:34
They know not what they do!
This person was blinded as they were walking on the road to Damascus. Acts 9
The wages of
sin is death but the free gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
When this person hung himself and when he died his intestines burst all over the ground. Acts 1:18-19
How many teach about his death?
A 4 Matthew, Mark, Luke and John
Jesus said unless you are ____________________ you will never see the kingdom of God. John 3:3
Born again
This person ran faster than Peter after finding out that the body of Jesus wasn't in the tomb.
For all have romans 3:23
Sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.
These two people died in Acts chapter 5 because they lied to the Holy Spirit.
Ananias and Sapphira
The Gospels come after God didn't do this for 400 years.
I go to prepare this for you. John 14
A place
This person would have been stone had not Jesus saved her from a mob. John 8:1-11
The woman caught in adultery.
See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called___________ 1John 3:1
The Children of God
This person was beheaded in Matthew 14 because Herod was pleased by some ladies dancing?
John the Baptist
Which gospel was written interview not by first hand experience?
Seek first these two things and all these things shall be given unto you. Mathew 6
His Kingdom and righteousness.
This person was of short stature.
Jesus- shortest bible verse in the Bible
This friend of Jesus died and was raised again 4 days later. John 11