What soft drink has trademarked the slogan “Obey your thirst”?
"What's up doc"
Bugs Bunny
In which Broadway musical does jack sing “there are giants in the sky”?
Into the Woods
Which classic rock album is sometimes said to be a soundtrack to The Wizard of Oz?
The Dark Side of the Moon, Pink Floyd
What fruit has seeds on the outside?
Strawberry, average of 200 seeds
What is the oldest soft drink in America?
Dr. Pepper
What is the longest- running musical in Broadway history?
What did Queen vocalist Freddie Mercury attribute his enhanced vocal range to?
Extra Teeth
What berry is not a berry?
What was the first soft drink to be consumed in outer space?
Coca Cola
Lightning McQueen
Why is Jean Valjean imprisoned in Les Misérables?
Stealing a loaf of bread
Who is the only member of ZZ Top who does not have a beard?
Frank Beard
What is a cluster of bananas called?
Hand, consists of 10-20 bananas
What soft drink was named after the term for moonshine?
Mountain Dew
"Eat my shorts"
Bart Simpson
What was Disney’s first Broadway musical?
Beauty and the Beast
Which Beatle crossed the Abbey Road barefoot?
How much did the world's largest apple weigh?
4 lbs, it was discovered in Japan
What year was the first bottled Coca Cola sold?
"Beep Beep"
The Road Runner
Which character is Hamilton sings “The Room Where it Happens”?
Aaron Burr
What English rock band produced three legendary guitarists: Jeff Beck, Jimmy Page and Eric Clapton?
The Yardbirds
What is the chief natural pollinator of pineapples?