What is the percentage do you have to be here in order to graduate?
complete a minimum of 85% (63 hours out of 75 hours offered)
This is the process of planning how to spend and save your money each month.
Who is Youth work Director?
What is James Bond's code name?
What grades in school do you have to have in order to participate in the program?
C's or Higher.
This document is submitted with a job application and list your work experience and skills?
Who is Youth Works Site Supervisor Assistant?
Which organization founded the Youth Works program in Salt Lake City?
NeighborWorks Salt Lake
Which animated movie features a queen who can turn everything into ice?
Can youth have cellphones on the clock?
This is a kitchen tool used to measure dry ingredients like flour and sugar.
Measuring cups
Who is Youth Work Site Supervisor?
Jennifer (Jenn)
What age group does the Youth Works program primarily serve?
This fruit has more genes than a human.
What happens if youth is given a corrective action?
A guardian will be notified via email & a hard copy note will be sent with youth.
This household appliance is used to dry clothes after washing them?
Who is Real Estate Develop Manager?
Who became the CEO of Neighbor Works SLC at the age of 29 and was instrumental in developing the Youth Works program?
Maria Garciaz
This superhero's alter ego is named Peter Parker.
Youth can borrow clothing from program at a small fee depending on clothing needed.
A healthy way to express disagreements in a conversation.
What is "I" statements.
Who is the Chief Executive Officer of Neighbor Works?
Maria Garciaz
What are some key objectives of the YW program?
pre-employment training, life skills development, and the opportunities for community service to prepare youth for adulthood and strengthen their commitment to the community
The name of the wizarding school Harry Potter attends?