General Info
Explaining Tabs
Accessible Tools
Fun Facts
Extra Info

What can you access through a youthhood registration? Name at least one.

  • Access to a private journal
  • Bran exercises
  • Life map goal planner
  • Class notebook for feedback about what you have learned
  • Vote on/see responses to youthhood polls

What is independence?

  • Taking control of your future
  • Knowing that your future will be positive because you’re in charge of it

What can you use the apartment tab for?

  • Independence with family, transportation, safety, housing, hygiene, and finances

True or false?

You can use to help you plan the rest of your life post high school.



What can you access on the job center?

  • Learning about working
  • Knowing it’s importance

Where do I click to access resources such as the health clinic and hangout?

Left of the screen


What does the government center help you with?

Understanding your right and responsibilities

  • What tools can you access from the hangout page?
  • Knowing myself
  • Having friends
  • Having fun
  • Surviving the lunch room

What is the purpose of the youthhood polls?

The Youthhood polls are questions anyone can come up with to get you thinking about a topic and spark discussion among you and your friends or classmates, or between you and your Youthhood Guide.


Why is employment important?

  • For living more independently, travel, purchasing things, paying bills, saving for a car, or something else you want, you’ve got to have money and money comes from working

What are the different tabs you can use to help you from this website?

Assistance with high school, finding jobs, getting involved in the community, finding belonging, government information, health information, and independence

  • Why is having good health important?
  • If you aren’t healthy you can’t work, go to school, or have a good time with friends and family

What can you access from the high school page

  • Going to school
  • Learning more

What is the NCSET and what do they do?

The National Center on Secondary Education and Transition (NCSET) helps organizations and people working with youth help young people move from high school to "whatever comes after high school" — whether it be college, technical school, community living, etc.


What can you do in school outside of taking classes?

  • Join clubs and student organizations, play sports, be in band or orchestra, and planning a life post high schools

What can you access from the home page?

  • Registration
  • Youthhood Poll
  • Login

What is belonging about?

  • Knowing yourself, your friends, your community, your family, and your personal and family history
  • Having a place in the world where you feel comfortable and are accepted for who you are
  • Knowing that others value you and care about you
  • Feeling safe
  • Having a respectful relationship with at least one adult who cares about you

What tools can you access through the government center?

  • Knowing your rights and responsibilities
  • Knowing your rights – disability
  • Knowing disability history
  • Speaking up for yourself
  • Getting help

Where can you go if you need to contact youthhood directly?

Click on contact us at the bottom of the screen


What information can be accessed through the community center?

  • Leading
  • Getting involved
  • Mentoring

What happens when I click on the tabs?

  • A general overview of the page appears along with resources related to each tab.

How is generosity described under the community center page?

  • Feeling good about yourself when you give your time to help others
  • Knowing you can contribute to your community because you are a trustworthy, competent person
  • Identifying ways you can give back to the community and actually spend some time doing this

What information can you access through the health clinic?

  • How to become your own advocate
  • Understanding insurance
  • Understanding health

True or False?

Youthhood is just for kids.

False. Adults can use youthhood too! 


What are some things you can use the website for to help you with finances?

  • Setting Up a Budget
  • Getting Help
  • Managing Your Money