This animated series on YouTube follows a jester and her new life among a cast of other wacky characters, debuting in November 2023, and being infamous online for the childrens content made from this show meant for teenagers and adults.
What is The Amazing Digital Circus?
One of the most influential and popular YouTubers of his time, and to this day, this Swedish man is known for his comedic videos that cover a variety of genres of content.
Who is PewDiePie?
This is the most sold sandbox game of all time, having "servers" with popular YouTubers such as DanTDM, StampyLongHead, Grian, and Ethoslab.
What is Minecraft?
This meme dates back to 2008, with a series of comics and edited images of a man with a peculiar face laughing, as he is shown in various comical situations.
What is Trollface?
This YouTuber is known for her "storytime" animations and in modern day, getting into gaming on her second channel. She is of Japanese descent and owns a Green-Cheeked Conure.
Who is JaidenAnimations?
This is the first YouTube Video ever uploaded, posted by one of YouTube's founders, Jawed.
What is Me At The Zoo?
This Commentary YouTuber, who's channel is now terminated, was known for bullying children and people online, as a "different" style of commentary.
Who is LeafyIsHere?
This term refers to someone playing and beating a game as fast as possible, exploiting the game's features and glitches.
What is a speedrun?
This YouTuber, who is still popular to this day, is a multi-millionaire known for doing several "challenges" with his friends, and donating money to a variety of different charities and causes.
Who is MrBeast?
This term, usually used in the context of the Pokémon games, refers to playing the game without reusing pokémon that "faint", and having to catch more to replace their party members.
What is a nuzlocke?
This Gaming YouTuber posted a video playing 2015 indie horror game Five Nights At Freddy's Four, and exclaimed "Was that the bite of '87?!"
Who is Markiplier?
This rated Teen rhythm game has a cartoony artstyle, and is very popular across the internet among all ages, with many mods and innuendos in the game not meant for children.
What is Friday Night Funkin'?
This 2007 Super Mario animation by Chris Niosi was originally posted on Newgrounds, reposted on YouTube in 2007, 2009, 2010, remade in 2011, remade in 2019, and had a final remake in 2023.
What is Rawest Forest?