What should you do when a teacher is talking to another adult?
Sitting down quietly and doing your work.
What do you do when the speaker puts their hand up?
Put your hand up and get quiet.
What if someone is talking in the hallway?
Give the quiet signal or ignore and tell a teacher.
What do you do in the lunchroom when the staff is busy ?
bonus question for extra 100 points:
What do you do when you are standing waiting to play outside?
You are eating your food , quietly sitting down in your chair.
Bonus answer:
Be quiet and stay in a straight line
What do you do when you are done using the restroom?
Wash our hands and lineup silently.
How do we do assignments in the classroom?
BONUS: 200 pts : What do you do when the teacher is showing you how to do an assignment?
work quietly , stay in our area , and read the directions
Bonus answer: listening quietly and paying attention
How do we sit in assemblies?
Criss Cross Applesauce
What don't we do in the hallways?
Don't talk , don't run, don't touch the displays
What is not allowed on the playground equipment?
Don't climb on the slide , don't climb the fence. don't stand on the swings or jump off of them, no food and drinks .
What do we use after going to the restroom?
We use 2 pump of soap, and 2 pulls of paper towels.
What do you do when a student is acting up in the classroom?
Sit down quietly and follow the teachers directions, don't laugh at what is going on.
What is the first thing Ms Welch goes over in the assembly?
What IS PBIS ?
The PBIS Expectations
Our rules and what we do on a daily basis in our school.
What do you do if you see a stranger in the hallway without a visitors badge?
Tell a staff member right away!
What do you at the for lunch dismissal?
dump trays, be quiet , and wait for a staff member to take us outside.
Who do you tell if there is a mess in the restrooms?
Tell a janitor or staff member.
What are three things you can do if someone is physically bullying you?
Tell them to stop
Tell a staff member
Tell your parents
How do you leave an assembly?
Walk silently in a straight line, to the correct exits or bus line.
Do we run in the hallways and they fall down and hurt themselves?
Bonus: What do we do when we see someone running in the hall? 200pts
Ask them if they are okay , and get a staff member.
Bonus answer: We kindly ask them to walk please!
What don't we leave on the tables?
Trash, toys, spills, or lunch boxes, trays.
What if the stall door is locked?
We knock to make sure no one is there, then we tell a staff member.
What are some ways you can be cyber bullied?
Social Media: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, snapchat, tik tok.
Texting, messenger, email, games like Fortnite.
What do we do for a shelter in place drill or emergency?
Bonus for 200 pts
What should you take to the gym for a shelter in place drill?
Be quiet and follow directions.
Bonus answer:
The Emergency Bucket
What if there is an active shooter in the hallway?
Run to the nearest room.
What should you do if you see someone hurt on the playground?
See if they are okay, if not get an adult.
What do you do when you see vandalism?
Tell a staff member or custodian