These two famous sitcom friends spent ten years on air together, sharing an apartment with matching La-Z-Boy recliners and pet chicken and duck
Who are Chandler and Joey
These two people are the most recent additions to the Foodee team, joining on June 17th!
Who are Matt Jackson and Nader
The Beatles legends Paul and John wrote this helpful song’s sing-able melody that perfectly captures the ins and outs of going through life with your friends.
What is "With a Little Help From My Friends"
A group of fish
What is a school
This word means to feel or express adoration for a deity
What is worship
In the pilot episode, this pesky but loveable neighbour and friend was originally called 'Kessler' but that quickly changed to his better known name.
Who is Kramer
Anne, Product Manager, told us that likes to quietly indulge in this nerdy obsession
What is Pokemon
Randy Newman’s raspy-toned tune 'You've Got a Friend in Me' is a sweet, slow cuddle of a song, made famous by this beloved kids movie
What is Toy Story
A group of lions
What is a pride
If you've watched HGTV, you've seen this arguably overused trend, done with wooden siding
What is Shiplap
These Boston-born besties started their careers as extras on "Field of Dreams" and have worked together on "Air", "Good Will Hunting" and many more!
Who is Matt Damon and Ben Affleck
This Foodee Friend has running a marathon and taking a journey on the Trans-Siberian railway on their bucket list!
Who is Julia
This star-studded collaboration was recorded to raise money for AIDS research. Play this track and there won’t be a dry eye in the house (I guess that's what it's for)
What is "That’s What Friends Are For"
A group of owls
What is a parliament
A relation between two or more people that is based on common ancestry or marriage
What is Kinship
The1999 premiere of this drama, based around the heinous crimes in the criminal justice system spawned the decades-long friendship between these two TV detectives and co-stars
Who is Mariska Hargitay & Christopher Meloni
Our CTO Mike has a bucket list goal of touching his feet down on soil in every continent in the world. He still has Antartica, Oceania, and which continent left?
What is South America
‘You’re My Best Friend’ is an ode to friendship, performed by this out of this world duo made up of Brian May on lead guitar this singer, known for his flamboyant stage presence and vocal ability.
Who is Freddie Mercury
A group of porcupines
What is a prickle
The guidance that is provided by this person, especially if they're experienced in a company or educational institution
What is mentorship
This unlikely pair first met while making mashed potatoes on her cooking show in 2008.
Who is Snoop Dogg & Martha Stewart
This west coast Foodee Friend with a keen eye for making us look great, started back in 2021 and stated that they are the "pancake master" (which I'm sure their two kids love)!
Who is Richard Ballermann
This sunny singers biggest hit was (and still is) a staple at every graduation ceremony (which isn't surprising!)
What is Graduation (Friends Forever)
A group of ravens
What is an unkindness
Sarah, Emily A. and Vaishnavi just received their what, by passing a test
What is Citizenship