Books of the Bible
Women in the Bible
Bible Characters
Miracles in the Bible

This book in the Old Testament tells the story of a man who, despite facing many trials, remains faithful to God, and in the end, his fortunes are restored.

What is Job?


In the New Testament, this woman is famously visited by the angel Gabriel and becomes the mother of Jesus.

What is Mary, the mother of Jesus? ?


This biblical character, known for his colorful coat, was sold into slavery by his jealous brothers.

What is Joseph?


God parted this body of water to allow the Israelites to escape from the pursuing Egyptians.

What is the parting of the Red Sea?


This woman in the Bible faced the temptation to turn back to her life in Sodom but ultimately became a pillar of salt.

What is Lot's wife?


This book is a collection of 150 poems and songs covering themes such as praise, lament, and wisdom.

What is the Book of Psalms?


This woman, mentioned in the Book of Ruth, is known for her loyalty and devotion to her mother-in-law, Naomi.

What is Ruth?


In the Book of Acts, this character, known for his conversion on the road to Damascus, became a prominent Christian missionary.

What is the Apostle Paul?


This miracle occurred when the walls of this city collapsed after the Israelites marched around it for seven days, as described in the Book of Joshua.

What is the Fall of Jericho?


According to the Gospels, Jesus experienced temptation in this place by the devil after fasting for forty days.

What is the wilderness?


This book in the Old Testament is a collection of wise sayings and reflections, often attributed to King Solomon.

What is Proverbs?


This woman is known for her bravery in hiding two Israelite spies and helping them escape the city of Jericho.

What is Rahab?


 In the New Testament, this tax collector became one of Jesus' twelve disciples and later wrote one of the Gospels.

What is Matthew?


This miracle involves the healing of who by Jesus using spit and clay.

What is the blind man?


These biblical figures faced the temptation to worship the golden image set up by King Nebuchadnezzar.

What is Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego?


This New Testament book, written by James, emphasizes the importance of faith and good works in the Christian life.

What is the Book of James?


This judge and prophetess played a key role in the deliverance of Israel and is celebrated for her victory song.

What is Deborah?


In the New Testament, this Pharisee and member of the Sanhedrin, had a nighttime conversation with Jesus about being born again.

What is Nicodemus?


In the Old Testament, this prophet prayed to God, and the sun stood still during a battle, granting Israel victory.

What is Joshua?


In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve succumbed to the temptation to eat the forbidden fruit from this tree.

What is the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil?


This New Testament book, written by the apostle Paul, contains a famous chapter on love in the context of spiritual gifts. 

What is 1st Corinthians?


This woman, chosen by King Ahasuerus as his queen, played a crucial role in saving the Jewish people from a plot to destroy them.

What is Esther?


This Old Testament prophet, famous for his courage in facing the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel, also had a significant encounter with God in a cave.

What is Elijah?


In the Old Testament, this prophet invoked God to bring down fire from heaven, consuming a water-soaked sacrifice on Mount Carmel.

What is is Elijah?


In the Book of Genesis, Joseph faced the temptation to commit adultery with the wife of this high-ranking official in Egypt.

What is Potiphar?
