Symbolic Codes
Technical Codes
Genre conventions/ Audiences
IDAES Structure

What does costuming in a film often reveal about a character

the character's personality, status, or transformation


How do camera angles function as a technical code to influence the audience’s perception of a character’s power or vulnerability?

using low angles to make a character appear dominant and high angles to make them appear weak


What is representation in media studies

What is the way people, places, events, ideas, and emotions are portrayed through a selective process in media?


What genre of television programming is known for episodic storytelling focused on real-life issues, typically appealing to emotions?

soap opera


What is copyright?

institutional practice ensures that the intellectual property of media creators is protected


Introduction of a film analysis essay:
what key elements should be clearly stated to set up the argument?

the thesis statement (re-word question) 

 key theme

 context of production


 target audience of the film


What are the key elements of MISE EN SCENE?

(List at least 3)

Whatever is seen in frame.

Composition of shot 




Spatial relationships 


How do camera movements (e.g., tracking shots, dolly zooms) contribute to a scene?

creating dynamic pacing/movement that matches the scene's energy, such as rapid cuts for action sequences or slow pans for building tension


What genre of television programming is known for episodic storytelling focused on real-life issues, typically appealing to emotions?

Soap opera


What effect does sound design have on audience immersion, particularly in genres like horror

sound effects and music to create tension, fear, or suspense, making the audience feel more immersed in the scene’s emotion


What is risk assessment and location release?

practice involves regulations and rules to ensure safety and ethical compliance during production (filming)


What is included in the IDENTIFY section?

What is the exact scene or moment in the film where the code or convention is seen. 

Re-state relevance to question - most relevant code/convention to support argument 


How does the use of colour in a film scene convey mood or emotion

What is by associating certain colours (e.g., red for danger or passion, blue for calm or sadness) with emotional states or themes


How does the use of lighting in a scene, such as high key vs. low key lighting, affect the mood and tone of a film?

high key lighting creates a bright, open, and cheerful atmosphere, while low key lighting adds shadows and contrast, often used to build suspense or convey mystery


Why is it important to consider the social and cultural context when analysing representations of people, places, and events in media?

because these contexts shape how representations are constructed and interpreted by audiences


How do audiences interpret codes and conventions in media products like documentaries or sitcoms?

by recognizing familiar patterns, symbols, and structures that guide their understanding


How is the way  media products distributed influenced by economic factors?

determining the most profitable ways to reach audiences, such as through streaming platforms or international releases

research of trends in audience activity


What should be included in the DESCRIBE section of the paragraph?  

detailing character actions, visual elements, and dialogue, creating a vivid picture of the moment


Why is body language a crucial symbolic code in silent or dialogue-light scenes

because it helps convey the character's emotions or intentions without spoken words, often creating deeper meaning through gestures or facial expressions


In what ways does the editing pace of a film, such as quick cuts vs. long takes, impact the viewer's perception of tension or drama

using quick cuts to create a sense of urgency and intensity, while long takes allow for deeper audience engagement with the unfolding events, often building tension more slowly


What is representation construction?

process involves selecting, constructing, and omitting content to create specific representations


What are the emotional benefits audiences might experience by engaging with narratives in film or television

experiencing extraordinary events, safe peril, and identification with characters


How do global media corporations like Disney and Netflix influence the consumption of moving image media?

By controlling large portions of content creation, distribution, and cross-media convergence


Analyse section: 

 how should you examine the relationship between a technical code like lighting and a symbolic code like costume to create meaning in the scene?

by explaining how the use of lighting highlights the symbolism of the costume, showing the character’s inner state and how these elements contribute to the film’s theme


How can props be used as symbols to represent key themes or ideas in a film? (Provide an example)

Objects that carry deeper meaning beyond their function, such as a ring symbolising power or a broken mirror symbolising fractured identity?


How does the choice of diegetic vs. non-diegetic sound influence the viewer's emotional engagement with a scene?

By using diegetic sound (heard by characters) to immerse the audience in the world of the film

 while non-diegetic sound (like a musical score) enhances mood and emotion without being part of the story’s reality


How does the representation of gender roles in films contribute to shaping societal norms?

by reinforcing or challenging stereotypical gender expectations through the depiction of male or female characters - can influence audience to think in particular ways about gender constructs


How do audience expectations influence the success of a moving image media product, such as a music video or TV show?

Aligning with or subverting familiar genre elements to engage and satisfy viewers


Why do distribution strategies like digital streaming affect how audiences consume media?

because streaming platforms like Netflix or Disney+ allow audiences to access content anytime and anywhere, changing the traditional model of media consumption


the Evaluate section, how can you assess the filmmaker’s choices with both a critical and appreciative perspective?

weighing the strengths and weaknesses of how codes and conventions were used to convey meaning in the film


In what ways does setting function as a symbolic code to reflect thematic elements in a film?

(Provide an example)

Using the environment to symbolise broader themes, such as isolation or freedom, often mirroring the internal state of characters


film editing, how do technical codes like cross-cutting and jump cuts are used to ...

Using cross-cutting to show two events happening simultaneously, building tension or connections, and jump cuts to disrupt the flow of time and emphasize the passage of time or disorientation


How can omission in media representation lead to a skewed portrayal of a certain group

by leaving out or under-representing certain groups, creating an incomplete or biased picture of the social group


How does cross-media convergence help institutions reach wider audiences?

by promoting a media product across different platforms, such as social media, video games, or merchandise, thus expanding the audience base


How has the rise of global media corporations like Google and Disney impacted the diversity of content available to audiences?

by centralising control over large amounts of media, which can lead to standardised content that prioritises profit, but it also allows these corporations to reach global audiences with a variety of offerings


 Synthesising the filmmaker’s use of codes and conventions, how should you reflect on the broader impact on the audience and society?

considering how the audience might interpret the use of these codes and how it shapes their understanding of the film’s themes

The impact the film may have on the audience how this affects their thinking/behaviour
