What is Physical Activity
Any form of movement carried out by the muscles that requires energy
What is the recommended daily recreational screen time for young people?
2 hours
Which hormone is relseased during PA?
Endorphins (happy hormone)
How long should people spend exercising outdoors?
20 mins
Define Barriers and Enablers are?
Barriers decrease opportunity. Enablers increase opportunity.
What does FITT stand for?
Frequency, Intensity, Time, Type
Define Sedentary Behaviour
Anything that requires very low energy expenditure with little movements, such as sitting or lying down.
1. How much sleep should 14-17 yo's get?
2. How much daily PA should they get?
1. 8-10 hours
2. 60 mins
What are 2 physical and 2 social benefits to PA?
Physical = Increased bone strength, strengthens internal organs, Mobility, etc.
Social = People skills, relationships, communication, etc.
Explain how the Australian climate influences the PA we do.
Summer, hot, etc.
What does SMART stand for in goals.
Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely.
1. What is the minimum number of days an individual should be Aerobically training?
2. What is the heart rate zone for Aerobic?
1. 3 days min a week for 20mins
2. 70-85%
Give 3 examples of Physical Activities
Soccer, Walking, Dancing, Scooter, Basketball, etc.
Discuss why the government provides these recommendations.
These guidelines inform, empower and encourage more children and young people to increase their physical activity levels and manage their sedentary behaviour for maximal health and wellbeing.
What are 2 benefits of the Emotional benefits of PA?
Copes with life challenges, release endorphins, control thoughts, feelings, etc.
Give some examples of cultural influences to PA?
Location, language, history, etc.
List 3 enablers to participating in PA.
Sporty friends, family, good equipment and resources, either, etc.
Explain the difference between Aerobic and Anaerobic Fitness.
Aerobic = create energy. Anaerobic = stored energy.
Explain why being active in a range of ways is likely to result in maximum health and wellbeing benefits.
More enjoyment, motivation, variety and all-round ability.
Outline the relationship between physical activity and sleep.
Generally, the higher one’s physical activity levels the better quality sleep.
What are 2 cognitive and 2 spiritual benefits of PA?
Cognitive = Confidence, memory, brain function, decreased stress, better focus, etc.
Spiritual = Sense of purpose, being apart of something bigger, grounded with the land.
Being active in any way has many benefits. Discuss how being active outdoors can have added benefits compared to being active indoors.
Answers will vary
List 4 out of the 6 Barriers to PA.
Cost, Resources, Injury, Motivation, Time, Enjoyment
What does MHR stand for and how to we work it out?
Max Heart Rate. 220-age.
Explain how Physical Activity differs from Sport
Physical activity is any movement. Exercise is planned, structured, repetitive and intentional movement to increase fitness.
How could Rivermount better assist adolescents in achieving these guidelines?
Answers will vary
What are the 5 types of Physical Activity of which we can identify benefits? (P,E,C,S,S)
Physical, Emotional, Cognitive, Social, Spiritual
Explain how natural environments influence PA. Give an example.
Local parks, green spaces, outside activities.
Create a SMART goal to ensure better quality sleep.
S - aim for 8hrs. Phone off at 10pm.
M - 8hrs 5/7 nights.
A - Wake up at 7, therefore asleep by 11pm.
R - I can achieve all daily jobs before 10pm.
T - I will achieve this by the end of term.
List 3 health and 3 skill related fitness components
1. Cardio endurance, Musc endurance, Musc strength, Flex, Body comp.
2. Power, speed, agility, coordination, balance, reaction time.