Water/Pool Safety
Beach Safety
Emergency Response
General Knowledge
Lucky Dip

Name THREE common rules for a pool.

- no running

- no diving in shallow water

- obey lifeguard instructions


How can you identify a safe swimming area at the beach?

Look for designated swimming zones with lifeguards, marked by flags or signs.


How do you signal for help when in the water?

Raise your hand 


What colour are the flags you swim between on the beach?

Red and yellow

What is the first rule of water safety?

Never swim alone


What is the minimal height for a pool fence?

1.2m high


What should you do if you find yourself caught in a rip current while swimming at the beach?

- signal for help

- swim parallel to the shore until out of the current


Name TWO common signs of someone who may be in distress in the water.

- struggling to stay afloat

-raising their hand for help / calling out for help


Why would you use feet first entry into deep water?

- allows the feet to feel for unseen obstacles below the surface

- safer than head first


Why is it important to use sunscreen when participating in water activities?

to protect the skin from harmful UV Rays and reduce the risk of sunburn.


Name THREE items that could assist in pulling a person to safety out of the water.

- noodle


- floaties


How can you identify a rip current compared to normal water currents at the beach?

- differences in water colour

- choppiness (wave/whitewash)

-rips are darker, calmer and fewer waves breaking


Outline a recommended method to help someone in the water without putting yourself at risk.

find a floatation device, lie flat on your stomach, throw or put floatation device in the water to reach for the person and pull them in slowly encouraging them to kick towards you.


What safety precautions should be taken before swimming in an unfamiliar body of water?

 Assess the water for hazards, such as rocks or debris, and check for posted warnings. Always be aware of the water conditions and any potential dangers


Name THREE survival strokes.

- side stroke

- backstroke

- survival backstroke

- breastroke


How can cold water affect your swimming ability?

It is harder to swim: you can get cramp; it takes your breath away, hypothermia


What are THREE ways you can stay afloat without an aid?

treading, floating, sculling


In the event of someone showing signs of heat exhaustion at the beach, what immediate actions should be taken?

Move the person to a shaded area, encourage them to drink water, and use cool compresses. If symptoms persist or worsen, seek medical help promptly.


Why is it essential to be aware of weather conditions when engaging in water activities?

Weather conditions can affect water currents and create hazardous situations. Monitoring weather forecasts helps avoid unexpected dangers like storms or strong winds.


In what ways can individuals contribute to a culture of water safety in their community?

Individuals can contribute by promoting water safety education, participating in community programs, and advocating for well-maintained and clearly marked swimming areas. Building awareness helps create a safer environment for everyone


What is the difference between a lifesaver and lifeguard?

A lifesaver is a volunteer.

A lifeguard is paid. Both have the same roles.


What is the recommended way to enter the water when surfing or bodyboarding?

walk slowly into the water.


Describe the steps to take in case of a pool emergency, such as a drowning incident.



What safety precautions should you take if you are on a jetski?

- have a license

-avoid using jet ski near swimmers

- wear a life jacket

- follow speed restrictions


What is a PFD?

Personal floatation device
