What does Renaissance mean?
What was the Scientific Revolution?
new way of viewing the natural world—based on observation and inquiry
Which French ruler was a famous absolute monarch?
Louis XIV
Which Russian ruler was a famous absolute monarch?
Peter the Great
Which Spanish ruler was a famous absolute monarch?
Philip II
Where did the Renaissance begin?
Italian trade centers
What was the heliocentric and geocentric theories?
heliocentric theory—planets revolve around the sun
geocentric theory- planets revolve around the earth
According to King Louis what was the greatest threat to the monarchy?
What is westernization?
the adoption of Western ideas, technology, and culture
Why did Philip fight many wars?
Fought many wars in an attempt to advance Spanish Catholic power
Where did Renaissance scholars get Greek and Roman texts that were previously “lost” in Europe? and What languages did they need to know to study them?
came to them from Constantinople in the Ottoman Empire where the texts had been preserved
Greek and Latin
What is the Scientific Method?
a series of steps for forming and testing scientific theories
What happened for the first time during the age of absolutism?
Monarchs created standing armies for the first time
After Peter set out to learn about Western ways for himself what actions did he take?
Peter brought to Russia a group of technical experts, teachers, and soldiers he had recruited in Europe.
He then embarked on a policy of westernization
As a devout Catholic what steps did Philip take against Protestantism?
Defended the Catholic Church and turned back the rising Protestant tide in Europe
What is Humanism?
Humanism was an intellectual movement that emphasized the study of the subjects known as the liberal arts or the “humanities” including: grammar, logic, poetry, philosophy, and history.
Bacon and Descartes
Which two dominant powers of the 17th Century and led the revolutions in science, philosophy and political theory?
England and France
Peter knew that nobles would serve the state only if their own interests were protected, what did he do to get them on his side?
strengthened serfdom
What tools did Philip use to expand his power? Give examples
•Marriage: Built alliances and pacified enemies
•War: Gained control of Portugal
•Wealth: Silver and gold from colonies
What did Renaissance writers, artists, and scientists shifted their focus from, to?
shifted their focus from celebrating God to celebrating secular [non-religious] academic, artistic, and political achievements that were of this world and not the next
Name at least 3 areas the scientific revolution advanced in and give an example of each:
instruments - microscope, barometer, and thermometer
human body - knowledge of anatomy
medicine - vaccines
Why did King Louis build the Palace at Versaille?
built the Palace of Versailles as a testament to his power and used it to gain control of the nobility
Name at least 3 accomplishments of Peter the Great:
-Russia signed a treaty with Qing China that defined their common border in the east
-Peter built a magnificent new capital city, St. Petersburg
-He created the largest standing army in Europe
-Peter pushed through social and economic reform
What led to the downfall of Spain?
1588: Philip II prepared a huge armada, or fleet of warships, to invade England – but the lighter, faster English ships defeated the Spanish Armada in the English Channel