who was the shomer of the rebbe?
reb eliyahu chyim althaus
what day of the year was the 50th anivesery?
yud daled kislev
where was the rebbes wedding?
warsaw poland
what's the rebbe's saying of yud daled kislev?
דאס איז דער טאג וואס האט פארבונדן מיר מיט אייך און אייך מיט מיר!
Who was not able to attend the wedding?
The rebbes parents
what day were the tanaim written?
vov kislev
where were the rebbes parents at the time of the wedding
what is the other half of the famous quate of yud daled kislev
און צוזאמען וועט מען אויסמאטערן די גאולה
who arrived from kefar chabad with a silver yad for the sefer torah?
reb zusha rivken
what year was the 40th anniversery of the rebbe and rebbetzin?
where were the sefarim for the F"R 50th anniversery printed?
shanghai china
what did the rebbe respond to the brocha the chassidim gave him in 5714
אז עס וועט זיין געזונטע און פרייליכע חסידים איז פון דעם וועל איך אויך זיין פריילאך
who first suggested the shiduch of the rebbe and rebetzin?
The rebbe rashab
what year was the first time the yiden gave the rebbe a beracha for his wedding?
from where did the rebbe depart to attend the wedding
One thing rebbi althaus said about the rebbe while watching him prepare for the wedding
What was the name of the chossid who asked the f"r to tell him about the chossen?
Reb Berel Moshe Shmotkin
what date and year did they start writing the sefer torah in honor of yud daled kislev?
13 shevat 5741
On what street was the wedding on?
Panska st
what quote did the rebbe say about moshiach which connects to 40 years?
חומות ירושלים אשר הם פרוצים