what happened on י' שבט תש"י?
when was the rebbe born?
י"א ניסן
What was the first aveira that sent the Schina up?
Eitz Hadaas
when is the פרידיקער רבי'ס birthday?
י"ב תמוז
The Rebbe
what happened on yud shvat תשי"א?
the rebbe accepted the נשיאות
did the rebbe ever go on a plane?
what day did the story of the Alter Rebbe cutting the tree and making soup for the woman who had just given birth?
Yom Kippur
did the פרידקער רבי ever hold a gun?
What does the word 'Rebbe' stand for?
It stands for Rosh Bnei Yisroel - The head of the chidlren of Israel.
who was another person that the chasidim wanted to be a rebbe?
the רש"ג
Where was The Rebbe born?
What makes this Generation Special, even if we didnt work hard or choose it?
That we are the Seventh and "All Sevenths are Special"
What were the names of the two Jewish Guards who arrested the Frierdiker Rebbe?
1. Lulav
2. Nachmanson
What does 'Chabad' stand for?
It stand for Chochma (Interlect), Bina (Understanding) and Daas (Knowledge).
How old was the Rebbe when he officialy accepted he Nesiyus (and became Rebbe?)
What did the Rebbe say is his favorite teffila?
Modeh Ani
How many parts are there in the original Basi Legani?
Name a Niggun of the Frierdiker Rebbe
What year was The Rebbe born?
1902 - 5662
Besides the Frierdiker Rebbe's histalkus and the Rebbe becoming Rebbe - What else happened on Yud Shvat?
Rebbetzin Rivkas Yartzeit
List 5 of the 10 Mivzahs the Rebbe implemented.
1. Lighting Shabbos candles
2. Wearing Tefillin
3. Putting up Mezuzahs
4. Studing Torah
5. Giving Tzedaka
6. Filling your house with holy books
7. Keeping Kosher
8. Ahavas Yisroel
9. Chinuch/ Education
10. Observing family purity
What Bracha did Chassidim in middle of the maamar?
What was The Frierdiker Rebbe's wife's name?
Nechama Dina