What is the name of the Maamer that was said on Yud Shvat?
Basi L'Gani
What was the Rebbe's name
R' Menachem Mendel Schneerson
What was The Frierdiker Rebbe's name?
R' Yosef Yitzchak
What is Basi L'Gani?
The first maamer The Rebbe said when he accepted the Nesiyus
What is the purpose of shlichus?
To bring Yidden closer to Yiddishkeit through Torah and Mitzvos.
What three things happened on Yud Shvat?
1)The Frierdike Rebbe was nistalek
2) Our Rebbe accepted the nesiyus
3) Rebbetzin Rivka was nistalek
Who are the Rebbe's children?
His Chassidim!
What city was The Frierdiker Rebbe born in?
Lubavitch, Russia
What is the literal translation of Basi L'gani?
"I've come to my garden"
Who can be a Shliach and how?
Any Jew, by spreading the Rebbe's Torah and bringing Moshiach
How long did it take for the Rebbe to accept his Nesiyus?
One Year
Name all of The Rebbe's immediate family members?
Father: R' Levi Yitzchok
Mother: Rebbetzin Chana
Brother: Reb Yisroel Aryeh Leib
Brother: Rabbi Dovber
What is the Frierdiker Rebbe's birthday?
Yud Beis Tammuz 5640
Explain the concept of how the Sh'china left this world and how it is being brought back down.
In short: Because of 7 aveiros it went up and because of 7 tzaddikim it came back down. The world was full of tumah, and the 7 Rebbeim brought the Sh'china back down to this world. Now it's our job to make a Dira B'tachtonim and continue bringing Hashem down into the world through Torah and Mitzvos.
Why did the Rebbe send people on Shluchos?
He cared about every Jew in every corner of the world.
Who originally started the Hayom Yom
The Freidiker Rebbe (Our Rebbe continued it)
Where was The Rebbe born?
Nikolaev, Russia
What was The Frierdiker Rebbe's wife's name?
Rebbetzin Nechama Dina
How many Oisios ( paragraphs) were in the original Basi Legani ( written by the Freierdiker Rebbe)?
Which two campaigns did the Rebbe institute for women?
1. Neshek
2. Taharas Hamishpacha
How old was the Rebbe when he accepted he Nesiyus?
48 years old
What year was The Rebbe born?
1902 - 5662
1. Lulav
2. Nachmanson
For how many years did the Rebbe say a Maamer based off of Basi Lagani?
What year was Rabbi Avraham Korf sent on shlichus to Florida?