What is the Alter Rebbes name?
Shneur Zalman
What happened on Yud Tes Kislev?
The Alter Rebbe was freed from Prison.
Why was the Alter Rebbe imprisoned?
Because he was spreading Chassidus and false allegations about supporting Turkey
What year was the Alter Rebbe born?
How many kids did the Alter Rebbe have and what were their names?
The Alter Rebbe had three boys, Dovber, Chaim Avraham, and Moshe.
What is the Alter Rebbes wife's name?
How do we celebrate Yud Tes Kislev?
By having Farbrangens and singing the Alter Rebbes Niggun. We also start the Tanya over again
What was the Alter Rebbes goal after he got out of prison?
To teach with more detailed and down to earth explanations.
What is the Yartzeit of the Alter Rebbe?
Chof Daled Teves
Were was the Alter Rebbe buried?
In Haditch.
Where was the Alter Rebbes main place of Residence?
What does Chabad stand for?
Chochma Binah Daas
How many days was the Alter Rebbe imprisoned for?
53 days.
What happened on the boat when the Alter Rebbe was being brought back from being interrogated?
The boat stopped until the ferry man agreed to stop and condition of getting a blessing from the Alter Rebbe
Who was the first founder of Chassidis?
The Baal Shem Tov and the Maggid Of Mezrich.
What Sefer did the Alter Rebbe write?
The Tanya and the Shulchan Orach.
Who passed away on Yud Tes Kislev?
The Maggid Of Mezrich.
Where was he imprisoned?
In Petersberg.
What is the story of the black wagon?
they refused to stop it, so the axle broke, then the horse died, then the new horses refused to budge. So they stopped on the side of the road for Shabbos.
Who was the Alter Rebbes father?
Rabbi Baruch
What is the story of the Alter Rebbe and the prison warden?
What do Chassidim call Yud Tes Kislev?
The Rosh Hashana of Chassidis.
What year was the Alter Rebbe imprisoned?
What is the story of the AR and the czar?
He stood up.
What is meaning of the name Shneur?
Two Lights