This monster is key for it's own archetype's strategy. Don't bother using Infinite impermanence tho, you are just gonna make it worse...
Traptrix Sera
This infamous pair was responsible for a lot of chaos in the TCG, as long as you had both a Light and a Dark. They were forbidden but don't panic, they don't see much in modern play. Especially the one with the errata...
Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning and
Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End
Spirit of the Six Samurai
Sprdrdnght Rl Cnnn Gstv Mx
Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Gustav Max
Cue the boss music, this card is key for it's archetype helping you maintain board presence, protect your monsters, and set up powerful plays to control the game
Generaider Boss Stage
This monster has been seen in many meta decks over its existence, except in its OWN archetype's deck
Salamangreat Almiraj
This handy duo was known for their recursion and specific removal upon their destruction, so iconic that a Time Wizard format was named after them. Kinda...
Ice Hand and Fire Hand
Great Long Nose
ffct Vlr
Effect Veiler
This trap was a powerful card in this Winged-Beast archetype deck, enabling the player to recover from setbacks, summon multiple monsters for Link, Synchro, or Xyz Summons, and overwhelm the opponent with a swarm of flying monsters. Still dies to MST though
Hysteric Party
Monk of the Tenyi
This pair of light and dark bodies are able to summon each other recurrently. Don't bother using your Extra deck though, they will be excellent sacrifices for the monarchy.
Edea the Heavenly Squire and Eidos the Underworld Squire
Aquarian Alessa
Mnndm Mk
Mannadium Meek
What's better than 1 Kuriboh? How about 5 Kuriboh Tokens, (Or if your in the anime, 1000 Kuribohs) thanks to this quick-play spell
What do you mean I have to use a Link 2 or higher monster to summon this?! It's literally a downgrade of the Link rating! How can this be possibly banned?!
Twin Twister? Heavy Storm? Dark Hole? Please... With this trap all your doing is giving me a free boss monster. Now let's rev it up!
Starlight Road and Stardust Dragon
Duck Dummy
Rd-s Drk Drgn
Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon
If you can get this Level 5 on the field, imagine all the monsters you can bring out! I just gotta make sure they are all different levels
Junk Speeder
This great Link-1 has a powerful spell/trap negate, just don't forget it needs right the equipment to fulfill it. Don't worry, you're going to need it for it's summon anyways
Emperor Charles The Great
These cards worked really well together, even though they're from 2 different archetypes. Backed up by numerous other Level 4 contemporaries, they relied on generic Rank 4s for their success. Just make sure you have enough Life Points though. Why? Because YOU STILL TAKE THE DAMAGE
Performage Trick Clown and Heroic Challenger - Thousand Blades
Zombie Tiger
Ggg Gggg
Gogiga Gagagigo
This Fusion monster may be small in stats but if it's removed from the field, it has the potential to summon up to 5 from your graveyard! To be fair though, the monsters it summons has the same stats as itself
Mokey Mokey King