Ice Cream

This Flavor needs heavy cream, whole milk, Cocoa powder, sugar, fudge pieces, and brownie bits.

What is Chocolate  fudge brownie ice cream?


To make this cake put pineapples in the bottom of the cake pan.

What is pineapple upside down cake?


This pie is the #1 pie bought and made at Thanksgiving.

What is apple pie?


This candy can come in long flexible sticks or in skinny ropes.  They come in different flavors such as cherry, strawberry, licorice, and chocolate?

What is Twizzlers?


This cookie has chocolate chips in the center and  sometimes can be gooey.  It can be very sticky when you roll them into balls.

What is a chocolate chip cookie?


This flavor is made with a red fruit that has its seeds on the outside.

What is strawberry?


This cake has sprinkles in the middle. It has different color frostings such as : blue, green, pink, orange, red, purple, and yellow. 

What is Funfetti?


This pie is good with marshmallows, chocolate bars, and graham crackers  it is gooey after its baked.  

What is a smore's pie?


This candy is delicious coated in chocolate it gummy. It can be either long, or small. 

What is Chocolate covered gummy bears?


This cookie has 2 chocolate outside cookies with cream filling in the center.  Some people like to open the cookie and lick the cream first before eating the cookie, but honestly there is no wrong way to eat this.

What is an Oreo?


This popular restaurant chain has its own brand of ice cream.

What is Friendly's?


This cake is made with cream cheese, sugar, graham cracker crust, and  sour cream.  Sometimes it has pie  filling, whipped cream, fruit toppings, and candy.

What is Cheesecake?


This pie is usually seen a lot around President's Day in February. Our first president cut down this famous fruit tree.

What is cherry pie?


This candy is made in Vermont. It can also be turned into sprinkles or fudge. 

What is maple candy?


This cookie has different colors in the center with jelly between them a chocolate top layer. It is so popular in the world.

What is a rainbow cookie?


This flavor is so good you don't need sugar. For this flavor it only calls for maple syrup, heavy cream, whole milk, lemon juice, salt, and vanilla extract. 

What is Maple ice cream?


This cake has fudge in the middle.  It comes in different types. You can put frosting on it.  Sometimes it is dry. Sometimes it is creamy.

What is Chocolate Cake?


This pie is made from a very large, round orange fruit that grows on vines.  People often put whipped cream on top to serve.

What is pumpkin pie?


This candy is in the shape of little people.  They are covered in sugar.  When you bite into them your face may twist up from the taste. A lot of people eat them at the movies.

What are Sour Patch Kids?


This cookie is made from 2 ingredients that are healthy. However, when you combine them with sugar and flour the result is delicious but fattening!!!!!!! YUM!!!!1

What is an oatmeal raisin cookie?


You can add Oreos inside this ice cream.  It can be  vanilla based, or chocolate based. You can put fudge inside,  candy, whipped cream, and of course a cherry.

What is Cookie's & Cream ice cream?


This is a very special cake because you only get it one time in your life.  It can come in any flavor and it often has tiers.  There is usually a statue of two people on top.

What is your Wedding Cake? 


This pie is made from small blue fruits that grow on bushes.  It is very sweet and people like to eat it with ice cream.

What is blueberry pie?


This candy is very popular at Valentine's Day.  The outer foil comes in different colors depending on what holiday is being celebrated. For example, at Christmas the foil is either green, red or silver and for Hanukah it is blue and silver. The candy itself can be milk chocolate, dark chocolate, white and dark mixed for a "hug" or can have an almond in the center.

What is a Hershey kiss?


This cookie is very, very, special because you can make two desserts out of one.  First you make the chocolate part, then you put cookie dough on top. It  can be put into ice cream if you wanted or have it plain.  

What is a Cookie Brownie?
