This is the eleventh attribute in the Scout Law
What is Clean.
The first rank advancement in scouts is called...
What is a Bobcat.
Causes something to stick to a balloon.
What is static electricity.
The two colors that represent Cub Scouts.
What is Blue and Gold.
The day and time Pack 3788 has Den Meetings.
What is Thursdays from 6:00 - 7:00 pm.
If you are careful with your money, you are...
What is Thrifty.
The highest award in cub scouts is called...
What is The Arrow of Light.
Delivered these during Den Meeting last week.
What is cookies.
Before our den meetings begin, we start by reciting this...
What is the Pledge of Allegiance.
The oldest Cub Scout in Pack 3788.
Who is Ryan Lott.
This is the third attribute in the scout law.
What is Helpful.
Name the three dens in our pack.
What is Wolves, Bears, and Webelos.
A scientist who studies dinosaurs.
What is a paleontologist.
How many Cub Scouts are there in Pack 3788?
What is 6.
The youngest Cub Scout in Pack 3788.
Who is Xander Davis.
A scout who is happy and positive is...
What is Cheerful.
Our pack number is...
What is 3788.
Name one gift you made in Den Meeting two weeks ago.
What is a wind chime, star ornament, or reindeer ornament.
The sign a scout makes when reciting the Scout Oath and Scout Law.
What is two fingers on the right hand raised (Akela Ears).
The Cub Master.
Who is Deena Bain.
The number of attributes listed in the Scout Law.
What is 12.
Webelos stands for _____________.
What is "We'll be loyal scouts."
The game you learned to play during Den Meeting last month? Hint: You learned three ways to play - Ringer, Plums, and Dropsies.
What is marbles.
The founder of Boy Scouts.
Who is Lord Robert Baden Powell.
The two amazing Den Leaders.
Who are Kathy and Phil Leatherwood.