NYC Foods
NYC Music
NYC Facts
Regents Potluck
Bronx Compass

This sandwich originated at a deli in East Harlem.

What is Chopped Cheese?


These rhythms were conceived in El Barrio in the 1960s.

What is Salsa rhythms?


This park is the largest in New York City.

What is Central Park?


The human body maintains a balanced internal environment. In order to accomplish this,

(1) What is organelles work independently? (2) What are all cells have the same shape and function? (3) What is insulin is produced when protein levels are low? (4) what are stimuli are detected, and actions are taken?

(4) what are stimuli are detected, and actions are taken?


This mythical animal represents Bronx Compass.

What is a Dragon?


This iconic NYC food was brought by Italian immigrants to New York City. 

What is pizza?


This music genre got off the ground at CBGB's and other Bowery Street music clubs in the 1970s, which was the same decade when the disco took its first beats in NYC dance clubs.

What is Punk Rock?


This building on 34th Street is one of New Yorks most iconic landmarks.

What is the Empire State Building?


the expression x^2 ?+ 5x = 6 is equivalents to.

(1) (x ?+ 3)(x - 2)   (2) (x +? 2)(x - 3) 

(3) (x - 6) (x + 1)   (4) (x + 6)(x - 1)

What is 4) (x + 6)(x - 1)?


This celebration takes place in Bronx Compass every year in November. 

What is Dragonsgiving? 


Since 1976, this fruit has served as the official fruit of New York City.

What is an apple?


This genre came to life on Sedgwick Avenue in the Bronx in the 1980s.

What is Hip-Hop?


This nation makes up the largest source of immigrants in New York City (12%)

What is the Dominican Republic?


The expression (x^2 + 3)^2 - 2(x^2 + 3) - 24 is equivalent to

(1) What is (x^2 + 9)(x^2 - 1)? 

(2) What is (x^2 - 3)(x^2 + 7)?

3) What is x^4 - 2x^2 - 21?

 (4) What is x^4 + 4x^2 - 9?

what is (2) (x^2 - 3)(x^2 + 7)?


G.R.I.T represents the four traits Bronx Compass stands for. 

What is Guts, Resilience, Integrity and Tenacity?


The average American opts for restaurant food for this amount of percentage of time. 

What is 47 percent of the time?


This position of New York as a center of this genre can be traced back to the late 18th early 19th century. 

What is European classical music?


The Statue of Liberty was given as a gift to the US in the 1800s by this country as a symbol of their friendship.

What is France?


US History Regent:

The Patriot Act was a direct response to

(1) religious toleration
(2) international terrorism 

(3) unbalanced trade
(4) global genocide

What is (2) international terrorism?


Principal Neal started being Principal of Bronx Compass in this year. 

What is 2021? 


And, by experimenting with a cheese pie in the early 1920s, owner of Reuben's Restaurant and Delicatessen and The Turf Restaurant, Arnold Reuben was able to create this delicious dessert.

What is Cheesecake? 


This group of people performed the first music in the area that is now New York City had lived there.

What is the Lenape Native Americans?

Before the British, explorers from this European country landed on Manhattan Island in 1623 and purchased it from the local Native Americans, founding New Amsterdam. 

Who are the Dutch? 


A regular hexagon is rotated about its center. The degree measure will carry the regular hexagon onto itself

(1) 45° (2) 90° 

(3) 120° (4) 135°

What is (3) 120°? 


This is the address of Bronx Compass High School.

What is 1980 Lafayette Avenue?
