How many points to win in air hockey
What time does boys and girls club end
What room has the most electronics
Tech Center
Which Staff runs boys and girls club at Zable
Ms. Chelsea
Which room are kids not allowed to enter
Staff Lounge
How many points to win in fooseball
Does Power Hour come before or after activities
What Room has the most art projects done inside of it
Maker Space
Which Staff Runs Snack
Ms. Ximena
Which Grade has the smallest amount of kids
1st Grade (Gabriel)
How many players can play twall at the same time
What Comes after Power Hour
What Room is the closest to the front of the building
Which Staff runs the most sports
Mr. Robert
Name 3 games we have on the Nintendo Switch
Super Smash
1-2 Switch
Mario Soccer
Just Dance
Mario Kart
How many players can play pool at once
What Comes before Activities
What room is the smallest
Learning Lab
Which Staff loves marvel the most
Ms. Alejandra
Which grade has the most kids
5th grade (29 kids)
Whats the total amount of balls on the pool table
What time do we get back into the building every day (besides Wednesday)
What room is the biggest
Game Room
Which Staff is the newest of everyone
Ms. Maya
Name 2 things you can do to earn a token
Picking up trash
Body Basics
Helping without being asked
Being nice to others