How many inbounds did Zach take yesterday (2/8)?
What state does Zach live in?
West Virginia
What day is Zach's birthday?
February 9
What is Zach's least favorite dessert?
(Editor's Note: We clearly has a deep dessert conversation)
Plain Chocolate Ice Cream
Where did Zach work prior to Agent Divisions?
Education (at DMS)
What is Zach's wife's name?
(Editors Note: Good girl names in this fam)
Cash Money
What is Zach's favorite candy/dessert flavor palette?
Fruity + Sour
Other than Tommaleta, who is the most loyal person to game day?
(Editor's Note: Definitely not Aragas)
What is Zach's daughter's name?
How old is Zach turning?
Who is Zach's favorite team lead????
When did Zach start on Agent Divisions?
(Editor's Note: Only need month and year)
September 2020
What family member of Zach's is a State Farm agent?
(Editor's Note: Right Zach???)
Instead of birthday cake, what dessert does Zach want for his birthday celebration?
Key Lime Pie
(Editor's Note: Honestly, great choice)
Who is everyone's favorite team member?
(Editor's Note: Other than Steph)
What month in 2023 did Zach make his celebrity guest appearance back on ZQ?
During "2 hand touch football", Zach was tackled by his BFF, resulting in him breaking what bone?
His leg
Zach's 10th birthday party was one of his favorites. What theme was this party?
Space (at the planetarium)!!
What is Zach's favorite Pokemon character?