Video Games
Pop Culture

This game is based on the popular TTRPG Dungeons & Dragons, and won GOTY.

What is Baldur's Gate 3?


This famous novel was written by Miguel de Cervantes, and is the origin of the word "quixotic".

What is Don Quixote?


Saying "machine" after this acronym for a widely-used financial device is redundant, as the last letter already contains the word.

What is an ATM (Automated Teller Machine)?


This empire/country once owned nearly 1/4 of the earth's surface, and was known to "rule the waves".

What is Great Britain?


The marathon run famously originated in this country.

What is Greece?


Smoke on the Water is a fictional medical-marijuana shop that can be purchased by Franklin with money gained from completing missions in what heist-y video game franchise?

What is Grand Theft Auto?


This fake food trend, shared with the #SleepyChicken, became so popular that the FDA issued a warning against cooking chicken in what name-brand product?

What is Nyquil?


Although the exact origin is unknown, this piece of technology and calculating tool used beans or stones moved in grooves of sand to perform calculations. Although computers have mostly replaced it, this tool is still in use for teaching arithmetic to children in many parts of the world. What is it?

What is an Abacus?


This city was conquered in 1453 by the Ottoman Empire, kicking off the Age of Discovery.

What is Constantinople?


This currency is the official money used in France.

What is the Euro?


Created by Charles Zembillas, this character was first introduced in the 1998. A young, energetic, violet creature with orange medium-sized wings, large, curved horns (most of the time), a spiral-shaped spike on the tip of his tail, and spikes resembling a mohawk, and is also the namesake for his game's title.

What is Spyro?


On June 18th, 1815, the French lost a battle that would be referenced in the title and lyrics of this song by ABBA.

What is Waterloo?


In this 1987 film starring Peter Weller and Nancy Allen, the city of Detroit signs a deal with the company Omni Consumer Products to re-build parts of the city into a utopia and introduce a law enforcement robot ED-209.

What is RoboCop?


This once-united Asian nation also gave each of its monarchs the title "The Great".

What is Korea?


This country is the smallest in the world.

What is the Vatican City?


This word--which shares its name with a popular soda brand--describes a 2D bitmap image, such as a video game character, that's integrated into a larger scene.

What is sprite?


Beginning in Independence, Missouri and ending in the Pacific Northwest, what route traveled by settlers of the 1800s is the name (and subject) of one of the best selling computer games of all time?

What is The Oregon Trail?


This mechanical device can be described as a method of applying pressure to an inked surface onto a medium, thereby transferring the ink. This two-word device was invented by Johannes Gutenberg.

What is the printing press?


Including a container for a brewed beverage, what is the name of the scandal that rocked the Harding administration in the 1920s, involving bribery to obtain leases of Navy petroleum reserves without competitive bidding?

Teapot Dome


This African nation was originally founded by freed slaves from America, and its capital is named after President James Monroe.

What is Liberia?


In the original Sid Meier's Civilization, this country ironically had a leader that would be set to maximum aggression upon adoption of democracy due to a software bug. (NOTE: we want the COUNTRY, not the leader)

What is India?


What beer brand is the subject of many memes on on social media in early 2024, due to videos of early 2000s Chilean TV broadcasts resurfacing where ads for the brand were cut directly into scenes from *Star Wars*?

What is Cerveza Cristal?


The U.S. National Cyber Security Division opened for the first time in 2003 and is currently housed within this Federal Department. John Kelly, Kirstjen Nielsen, and Kevin McAleenan all served as Secretary of this Department during the Trump administration.

What is the Department of Homeland Security?


When was the last invasion of the mainland United States? (Accept year, battle, or leader)

1916, Battle of Columbus, led by Pancho Villa


How many time zones does Russia have?

