New types of these Japanese-named text images from 2018 include llama, lab coat & bagel
A traditional folk song finds it "in the straw" & "in the hay"
"The hog products you crave", or a mammal with quills
pork you pine
The first Macy's parade in 1924 included live bears--they scared the children, so in 1927 balloon animals debuted, including this silent cartoon cat
Felix the Cat
You can also use "Amazon" or "Computer" to talk to your Echo device instead of this 5-letter name
over easy
The song "Zombie" by this group is about the blood shed over Irish freedom
The Cranberries
"A spot for handing out pink slips", or a hearth at the base of a chimney
a fire place
The Macy's parade did not take place for three years during this decade--since rubber was in short supply, the balloons were donated to the war effort
This file storage & sharing cloud service has a real container in its 7-letter name
A 1933 Popeye short is called "I ____ What I ____"
"What you say to scare a lemon pie topping", or an Australian aboriginal weapon
Boo! meringue
A new version of Snoopy debuted in 2006--when he first appeared in 1968, he was dressed up as this, the way he often was atop his doghouse
WWI flying ace
The streets of San Francisco are now littered with electric these small vehicles rentable from Bird or Limebike
Justin Theroux starred in this HBO series in which 2% of the world's population had disappeared--was it the rapture?
The Leftovers
"Where Noah stored his bees aboard his vessel", or a place where historical documents & records are kept
an ark hive
Macy's parade floats must fold up to be just eight feet wide and twelve and a half feet high to fit through this tunnel for the trip from New Jersey to Manhattan
Lincoln Tunnel
You can "cast" your phone's screen to your TV with this Google product
Mmm, state pie! For Illinois, it's this seasonal favorite
pumpkin pie
"To break God's law until a prime time hour", or to sparkle brightly
sin til late
This 1947 movie which used footage of actual floatsgave many Americans a love for the Macy's parade
Miracle on 34th Street