what is my favorite fast food restaurant?
Main Chick
why do i love transformers
what is my favorite video game
what is my favorite sport
what is my favorite flash season
season 3
what do I usually order at Main Chick?
who is my favorite marvel character
black panther
who did i play smash with to unlock all my characters
who is my favorite tennis player
carlos alcaraz
what pokemon in pokemon go is my strongest
Where DO I love to drink Boba?
Feng Cha
what is my favorite bollywood movie
dhoom 3
who is my favorite smash character
who is my favorite doubles partner in school
what is my favorite pokemon
primal kyogore
What do I order at my favorite boba place?
Creme Brulee Boba
Which transformer is my favorite
bumble bee
what is my favorite gun in fortnite
pump shotgun
what is my second favorite sport
what is my rarest shiny in pokemon go
What is my favorite indian dessert
kaju katli
who is my favorite marvel character
who do i main in smash
roy, kirby
what grand slam do I love to watch
what is my favorite song
bin tere