Merit and Privilege
History and Education

What was the hedgehog trying to get?

An Apple (But What If We're Wrong?, around pg. 200)


What are two aspects of the historical record of merit that are problematic?

Philosophical (quality does not necessarily matter) and practical (merit does matter). (But What If We're Wrong?, Chapter 4 "Merit", p.89-90)


What companie(s) did Mark Zuckerberg, and Jeff Bezos create? What other major companies do these individuals own? (Zakaria)



Who stated, "Get a liberal arts degree. In my experience, a liberal art degree is the most important factor in forming individuals into interesting and interested people who can determine their own paths through the future. For all of the decisions young business leaders will be asked to make based on facts and figures, needs and wants, numbers and speculation, all of those choices will require one common skill: how to evaluate raw information, be to from people or a spreadsheet, and make reasoned and critical decisions."

Edgar Bronfman (In Defense of a Liberal Education, Chapter 3 Learning to Think, p.90)


How many US Institutions offer traditional bachelor degrees according to Zakaria?

1400 (In Defense of a Liberal Education, p.21)


How high was the apple above the head?

Two feet (But What If We're Wrong?, around pg. 200)


What did Benjamin Franklin do for the United States?

He played a huge role in the revolution, helped with the draft of the Declaration of Independence, and served as a delegate to the Constitutional Convention. (In Defense of a Liberal Education, Chapter 4 The Natural Aristocracy, p.106)


What three major occupations did Benjamin Franklin hold/ endeavor upon within his lifetime? (Zakaria)

Soldier, Scientist and Politician


What does the story of Prometheus and Adam and Eve have in common?

The desire for knowledge (In Defense of a Liberal Education, Chapter 5 Knowledge and Power, p.136-137)


In India, what 3 factors affected education in the 1970's?

1. Inflation

2. Slumping economy

3. National Regulations

(In Defense of a Liberal Education, p.24)


What was one big thing that the hedgehog knows?

The apple will eventually fall; law of gravity (But What If We're Wrong?, around p. 200)


Who is the greatest architect of the 20th century?

Frank Lloyd Wright (But What If We're Wrong?, Chapter 4 "Merit", p.91)


What is the epicenter of British political life? (Zakaria)

The House of Commons


Which intelligence was not taken seriously?

Emotional intelligence (But What if We're Wrong?, Chapter 11 Only the Penitent Man Shall Pass, p.257)


Why id Zakaria choose to major in Liberal Arts?

He took a class in history that sparked his interest. Then, he majored in History. (In Defense of a Liberal Education, p.29)


What type of education would the fox pursue?

Liberal Arts (But What If We're Wrong?, around pg. 200)


Who said, "History is defined by people who don't really understand what they are defining"?

Chuck Klosterman (But What If We're Wrong?, Chapter 4 "Merit", p.91)


Name a modern prominent Native American figure.

Sherman Alexie, Louise Erdrich Tom Cole, Markwayne Mullin


What is the difference between the fox and the hedgehog?

The fox cannot see the future, so he believes it does not exist. The hedgehog is aware there is a future. The fox can view facts in a logical context. The fox can see the relationship between history and politics. The hedgehog knows the "book" is not complete while the fox believes the "book" is complete. The hedgehog believes storytelling is the problem while the fox is seen as wrong. (But What if We're Wrong?, Chapter 9 The Case Against Freedom, p.200-201)


What were madaras?

Islamic schools of history, politics, science, music, and mathematics during the middle ages. (In Defense of a Liberal Education, p.45)


Who was the British essayist who popularized the story of the Fox and the Hedgehog?

Isaiah Berlin


Benjamin Franklin wanted people to study broad and diverse areas of education, including arithmetic, agriculture, religion, geography, etc. Why would Franklin want people to obtain a more general education rather than a specific education?

He realized that his success was a result of a broad-ranging curiosity, making him want people to do the same. (In Defense of a Liberal Education, Chapter 4 The Natural Aristocracy, p.108-109)


What prompted President Teddy Roosevelt's intervention in 1905?

Nineteen college football players killed on the field.


What is the problem with the youth today?

The youth are not willing to challenge established wisdom, and the youth are not rebellious or disrespectful enough. (In Defense of a Liberal Education, Chapter 6 In Defense of Today's Youth, p.154)


Who was a key figure in influencing liberal education at Yale and Harvard?

Samuel Eliot Morison. (In Defense of a Liberal Education p.49)
