the year was john f kennedy assassinated ☠️
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the guy "all too well" is written about
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the name of the transaction when president thomas jefferson bought over 800,000 sq miles of land from france
what is the louisiana purchase
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"_______ don't fix bullet holes, you say sorry just for show"
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adam and eve's three children mentioned in the bible
who was cain, abel, and seth
the distribution that always has an undefined mean
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the age of the oldest child
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the u.s. president that served the shortest amount of time (⚰️)
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"i can do all things through Him who strengthens me"
what is philippians 4:13
Duration needed for owner to recoup premium paid into policy.
= refund amount / (modal amount * mode)
Can change if payment options are either life with installment refund or life with cash refund
what is the implied certain period
our moms middle name
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the amendment of the constitution that sets a limit for two terms for presidency (#)
what is the 22nd amendment
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how moses' mom save him from pharoah and the egyptians soldiers
what is putting him in a basket in the river
i have no words to describe this in an answer format so figure it out
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the dance studio most of the rus kids attended
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the artist who started the unfinished portrait of george washington that the $1 bill is based on
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taylors body part that is double-jointed
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the road saul had a life-changing experience on before getting his name changed to paul
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list any two years that a member of the rus family was born in
what is 1958, 1968, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2007, or 2009