Bus ride
While in the education building
Visiting exhibits
Walking around zoo grounds
Respecting Animals

Should I bring personal Items on the bus? 

NO! All personal items are left in the gym (exception is a water bottle)


What is the voice level while in this building?

ZERO! Voices should be off while in the education building.


How many students can walk side by side?

Max of 2


It would be quicker to walk through the grass, should I do it?

No. Stay on the walking paths at all time. Keep Off wood-chips, grass, brick wall, anything that is not the path.


Can the animals hear me?

Yes, incredibly well! Keep your voices low to not disturb them.


Can I eat on the bus?

No! All food should be left at the school. We will eat snack before we go


Are there people working while we are walking through the building?

Yes. Very important people! Those who are in charge of money, communication, leadership, and the big bosses of the zoo are all here.


Are there other people at the zoo that aren’t from ZAP?

Yes. The zoo will be full of people who are excited to see the animals as much as you! Be sure to be polite and wait your turn.


Can I push the water sprayer buttons?

No. We don’t have a way to dry off. Ask your teacher if it is a hot day.


I saw a kid hitting their chest like a gorilla, Can I do that?

No! The gorillas do not think that is funny. Think of the phrase monkey see monkey do. The more we act disrespectfully the more likely the gorillas will too.


Can I sit with other classes on the bus?

No! Stay close to your class and teachers


Can I play with the toys in the hall?

No, those toys do not belong to ZAP


Do I have to follow different rules than the other kids not in ZAP?

Yes, you are representing the zoo and are role models for the other kids.

Can I buy things!?

Nope! Money should be left in your backpacks at the school.


Can I show you my best animal noise?

Yes but only outside. When walking in the exhibits we do not want to be making sounds. It is considered mocking which is not a nice behavior.


How many people can sit on one seat?



How many students can walk side by side on the stairs

2 max, stick to one side of the staircase


When can I run around and play with things?

Anytime you go adventure tails, or the other play spots at the zoo. Check with your teacher to see if it is okay! 


What do you do if you’re falling behind the group?

Ask the teacher to slow down! 

I have some crumbs in my pocket, can I feed the birds?

Nope! Do not feed any animals. We have wonderful zoo keepers that do that! 


How much time should it take to get everyone on the bus?

Less than 5 minutes


Can students walk around the building alone?

Nope! The doors have automatic locks and you can’t go through them without a zoo badge. 

Stay with your teacher at all times!


I have to use the bathroom, what do I do?

tell your teacher! As a class you will all go to the closest restroom. 

Help! I can’t find my teacher. What do I do?

Don‘t panic! Stay where you are and look around. If you can not see anyone just stay there! Do not go with a stranger and do not leave the area. I promise we will come find you quick. 


It is really hot today, what do I do?

Drink lots of water, stay in the shade and buildings.
