Beta Israel: Worship and Origins
Chronicles of Emperor
Zar’a Yaə’qob
Monasticism and Religious Nationalism in the 15th Century
Beta Israel Anthology

The religious life of the Beta Israel people revolves around this place of worship.

What is a synagogue?


The Emperor of Ethiopia who was a member in the Solomonic dynasty 

Who is Zara Yaqob?


This 14th-century monk was known for his strict observance of the Sabbath and went into self-imposed exile after clashing with the Ethiopian Church.

Who was Ewostatéwos?


Prayers, sacrifices, and observance of festivals

What are religious practices? 


This is the day of rest and worship that is most strictly followed by the Beta Israel people.

What is the Sabbath?


The Kings daughters that occupied the left and right hand of the offices of Belit Wiedad.

Who is Madhen Zamada and Berhan Zamada?


All the members of the ‘house’ of Ewostatéwos were debarred from receiving Holy Orders at the hands of the bishop from this country.

What is Egypt?


They practice monastic life style, renouncing the world and not possessing worldly things. Living in monasteries and practicing religion

What are monks?


The Beta Israel’s religious practice of animal sacrifice takes place on the eve of this major Jewish holiday.

What is Passover?


He was demoted and exiled for the crimes against the King. 

Who is Amda Sayton?


The radical issue of independence of the Ethiopian Church from this port city was a consequence of the religious nationalistic ideals and programs of Zar’a Yaə’qob.

What is Alexandria?


A book written in Geez books and focuses on the Old Testament.

What is the Torah?


Most of the Beta Israel literature and the text of the Torah that is read during prayer is written in this ancient Semitic language.

What is Ge'ez?


A church in Ethiopia built to hopefully cause the God to take away the plague

What is Beta Qirqos?


This king offered tolerance to Ewostatéwos' followers after the monk's exile as a response to their strengthening political and religious influence in the kingdom in the 15th century.

Who is King Dawit?


Is celebrated on the twelfth day of the third moon. People bring grain and bread to the synagogue and receive blessing

What is the Festival Harvest? 


The Beta Israel people believe in this descendant of David “who will come and reign forty years in Jerusalem and forty years in Ethiopia.”

Who is the Messiah Theodore?


A light appeared in the sky and remained visible for several days causing the King to have interest in this piece of land

What is Dabra Berhan? 


After the death of these two favorite bishops of Zar’a Yaə’qob, he was reluctant to appoint any new Egyptian bishops.

Who are Mika’el and Gabri’él?


The most important fast day, the priests bless the people and ask for repentance. Going around to the people and sating "forgive me, forgive me". 

What do they do on the Day of Atonement?
