This king was struck down for not giving God the glory in Acts 12.
Who is Herod?
The three Ingalls girls on Little House on the Prairie are Laura, Mary, and this girl.
Who is Carrie?
This former Green Bay Packers quarterback was inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 2016.
Who is Brett Favre?
There are usually two of these on a bed: one is fitted, one is folded.
What is a sheet?
What is Snickers?
This couple is guilty of lying to the Holy Spirit about monetary issues in Acts 5.
Who are Ananias and Sapphira?
This actor played Charles Ingalls in Little House on the Prairie.
Who is Michael Landon?
This author wrote Pilgrim's Progress, one of the most famous books ever published in the English-speaking world.
Who is (John) Bunyan?
Another name for a quilt, this is a thick blanket that is often used in winter.
What is a comforter?
First introduced in 2001, this flavor of Mountain Dew is infused with cherry.
What is Code Red?
This man is struck down for touching the Ark of the Covenant in 2 Samuel 6.
Who is Uzzah?
Finish the title of the Little House book: On the Banks of _________ Creek.
What is Plum?
This nickname of Theodore was given by Ward and June because his brother, Wally, could not pronounce his real name.
What is Beaver?
Johannes Brahm's _________________ is often sung to children as they are going to sleep.
Although its name would make you think otherwise, this brand of Ice Cream is delicious rather than funny.
What is Good Humor?
This man led a rebellion that led to the death of 160 men in Numbers 16.
Who is Korah?
Little House on the Prairie ran for this many seasons.
What is nine?
This 19th-century president is known for his creation of a new Bank of the United States: Martin van _______.
What is Buren?
This type of mattress provides squishy material that conforms to the sleeper's body.
What is (a) memory foam (mattress)?
This unique snack mix has breadsticks, rye chips, salted pretzels, and other delicious salty foods.
What is Gardetto's?
These sons of Eli were killed by God when they mishandled the priesthood.
Who are Hophni and Phinehas?
This is Nellie Olson's adopted younger sister.
Who is Nancy?
This comedian was an avid golfer and lived to the ripe old age of 100.
Who is Bob Hope?
This type of deep sleep is important for everyone to get.
What is REM (sleep)?
The name of Arizona's half iced tea, half lemonade drink.
What is (an) Arnold Palmer?