"Hotel California"
Who are The Eagles?
This 1999 sci-fi film, starring Keanu Reeves, introduced audiences to the concept of humans unknowingly living inside a simulated reality.
What is The Matrix?
"Today I don’t feel like doin’ anything..."
"I just wanna lay in my bed." (Bruno Mars – "The Lazy Song")
This outspoken sports personality, father of three basketball players, founded the Big Baller Brand and often makes bold claims in the media.
Who is LaVar Ball?
This U.S. state, known for its Derby and fried chicken, is home to the city of Louisville.
What is Kentucky?
"No Sleep Till Brooklyn?"
Who is Beastie Boys
This 2010 Christopher Nolan film explores the concept of dreams within dreams and features the infamous spinning top scene.
What is Inception?
"Thunder only happens when it's raining..."
"Players only love you when they’re playing." (Fleetwood Mac – "Dreams")
This social media platform, launched in 2016, is known for its short-form videos, viral challenges, and algorithm-driven "For You" page.
What is TikTok?
This theme park chain, known for its roller coasters and thrill rides, operates locations across the U.S., including Magic Mountain in California.
What is Six Flags?
Who is Billy Joel?
This 1954 Alfred Hitchcock thriller follows a wheelchair-bound photographer who believes he has witnessed a murder through his apartment window.
What is Rear Window?
"Baby, lock the door and turn the lights down low..."
"Put some music on that's soft and slow." (Josh Turner – "Your Man")
This jelly bean challenge, created by Jelly Belly, includes flavors that range from delicious to disgusting, such as "Spoiled Milk" and "Dead Fish."
What is Bean Boozled?
This technology brand, named after a family member, is best known for manufacturing printers and office equipment.
What is Brother?
Who is blink-182?
This 2014 drama, was filmed over 12 years with the same actors to depict a boy’s journey to adulthood.
What is Boyhood?
"Blackbird singing in the dead of night..."
"Take these broken wings and learn to fly." (The Beatles – "Blackbird")
This Marvel superhero, also known as Steve Rogers, was frozen in ice for decades before being revived to lead the Avengers.
Who is Captain America?
This mobile game, first released in 2009, became a worldwide sensation as players launched birds at structures to defeat green pigs.
What is Angry Birds?
"Meet Me Halfway?"
Who is The Black Eyed Peas?
This 2004 romantic drama, starring Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams, is based on a novel by Nicholas Sparks and follows the love story of Noah and Allie.
What is The Notebook?
"It's a quarter after one..."
I'm all alone and I need you now." (Lady A – "Need You Now")
This term, commonly used on social media platforms like Instagram and Twitter, refers to a private conversation between users.
What is a Direct Message (DM)?
This Greek mathematician, known as the "father of geometry," wrote The Elements, one of the most influential mathematical works in history.
Who is Euclid?