What Zeta did Cartman hang out with in Taiwan?
Mr. Randy Chang
What sport did Rolf play?
What class was Russel in before Alpha Upsilon?
Alpha Tau
What is Lechon's major?
How many chapters does Zeta Phi Rho have?
How many countries has Cartman been to?
What is Rolf's ethnicity?
Half Chinese, half Vietnamese.
How many brothers does Russel have?
Does Lechon speak Tagalog?
Recite Alpha Chapter
Mr. Christopher Arnaldo
Mr. Francis Baylen
Mr. Carlo Boiser
Mr. Joseph Braza
Mr. Butch Callanta
Mr. Ian Carbonell
Mr. Archie Cardenas
Mr. Vincent Delupio
Mr. Johnnie Garcia
Mr. Ronald Hipol
Mr. Alfred Perdito
Mr. Jan-Michael Roy
Mr. Carlos Sanchez
Mr. Greg San Luis
What language can Cartman speak?
Does Rolf pour milk or cereal first?
Cereal first.
What is Russel's clothing brand called?
Vinson Massif
What sport does Lechon play?
What is rule number 1 and 2 that was given to you on the first night?
Where university did Cartman study at abroad?
Fudan University in Shanghai
What are the three hobbies Rolf is into?
Cars, skateboarding, gaming
When did Russel move to America and what city?
San Jose in 2015
What hobby does Lechon do?
What is the one position for associates that Alpha Upsilon does not have?
What level is Cartman in open water diving?
How old is Rolf and what is his major?
21 years old and Biology.
What grade was Russel in when he was able to solve a Rubik's cube?
7th grade
What did Lechon's presentations consist a lot of?
Why is your AE's AKA Ligma?
"Ligma" Dinh