English Zone one love
Super Heroes
Social Media

True or False: The upside-down ketchup bottle earned its inventor Paul Brown $ 7 million. 

Fasle - The total cost has reached $ 13 billion 


Use these idioms in the sentences: Mouse potatoe, the flavour of the month, couch potatoe, hit the books and to be broke 

The Joker was a ___________________________, because evryone was talking about it.


True or False: Beast, Zuckerberg’s Hungarian sheepdog, has his own Facebook fan page that has more than 2 million likes. His daughter’s a fan too -- he posted that Max’s first word was dog. 



True or False : The bubble gum is green and blue because those were the only colors that  Walter E. Diemer (the inventor) had on hand at the time and they were his favorite colors. 

The bubble gum is pink colored, this is an only color which E.Diemer liked.


Tell us an idiom when you are angry or excited  In _______________moment 

In the heat of the moment - 

f you say or do something in the heat of the moment, you say or do it without thinking because you are very angry or excited


True or False: The first mobile phone call was made in 1973 by Steve Jobs  an inventor of Apple Company. 

False - The first mobile phone call was made in 1973 by Martin Cooper, a former Motorola inventor.


True or False:  Abraham Lincoln, Walt Disney, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Henry Ford, Thomas Edison and Steve Jobs, all of them had no college degree.

1) Abraham Lincoln - Abraham Lincoln did not go to college.He only attended school for a very short time at a young. 

2)Walt Disney - Walt was awarded his first honorary degree, a Master of Science degree from the University of Southern California. 

3) Bill Gates - receive his Harvard degree. 

4) Mark Zuckerberg -received an honorary degree from Harvard. 

 5) Henry Ford - did not have a college degree. 

6) Thomas Edison - did not graduate high school. 

7)  Steve Jobs - Jobs attended Reed College in Portland, Oregon, for two years. 
