How Long has Librela been available in the USA?
1 Year
What does Cytopoint do to your dog?
target and neutralizes one of the main proteins in your dog’s body that causes itch.
What is Simparica Trio
The first product that delivers combined protection from Heartworm disease,ticks,& fleas, round and hookworm. All in 1, simple to give, monthly chewable.
Name a few things Apoquel treats in dogs?
Rapid relief of allergic itch witin 24 hours
Short and long term managment of itch
Significant reductiom of inflammation due to allergic dermatitis.
How often does a dog need to have Librela?
Once a month
How long can a dog stay on cytopoint?
Depending on the severity of your dog’s allergies, it could become a lifelong treatment.
doctor should schedule a follow up appointment 4and 8 weeks after first injection.
How old does the puppy have to be and how much does the puppy have to weigh before giving Simparica trio?
Puppy has to be 8 weeks old and 2.8 pounds.
in a study pet owners reported an improved quality of life when their dogs allergic itch was reduced. What %
What does Librela treat?
OA in Dogs
How fast does Cytopoint start working?
Within one day,and provides relief that lasts for 4-8 weeks.
What are the 3 ingredients?
1- Moxidectin - Heartworm Prevention
2- Sarolander - Kills ticks and Fleas
3- Pyrantel - treats and controls round and hookworms.
Fast, Effective Relief begins in Just?
4 hours
Name 5 factors that put dogs at risk for developing OA.
Body weight
Cytopoint has been shown to be effective for the treatment of dogs against?
Allergic dermatitis and Atopic dermantitis
How many ticks does Simparica Trio protect against and what are their names
Lone star tick
Gulf Coast tick
American dog tick
Black- legged tick
Brown dog tick
What is the difference between Apoquel and Apoquel Chewable?
It is a chewable- Same price, same efficacy and same safety. Same fast action.
Helps with compliance 70% of pet owners preferred the chewable tablets.
Pork liver flavored- 2% of food allergic dogs are pork allergic dogs.
How can we recognize OA in more dogs?
Screen Early
Screen all dogs
Proactively educate
Implement clinic Protocals
Important safety Info-
Cytopoint was shown to be safe and effective in an independent, real-world study of dogs with Allergic dermatitis.
Safe to use in dogs of any age
Cytopoint was used safely in a study in combination with other medication, including Parasiticides, antibiotics vaccines etc.
What are the weight rangers for Simparica trio
Common signs of skin Allergies in dogs?
Frequent scatching, licking, biting or chewing
Excessive rolling, rubbing or scooting.
recurent ear problems ( head shaking, ear discharge, odoror scratching ear.Hair loss, body odor, recurrent skin infections, or skin change 9such as rash, redness, greasy skin, or scab.