When is zoey's birthday
October 6th
What is Zoeys Favorite color
Light pink or Navy blue
Who is Zoey currently dating?
Mason Taft Allen
Olympus, 9th
How many siblings does Zoey have
1 (Parker)
Whats Zoeys favorite music artist
Frank Ocean
What was Zoey for Halloween
Casey from scream
Whats Zoeys dogs names
Kaydence and Ponyo
Where did Zoey, Lulu, and Brinlee go to all the time in April
Whats Zoeys favorite store to shop at
Brandy Melville
When does zoey have dance
Monday, Tuesday
What color are Zoeys eyes
Whats Zoeys favorite roblox game
Dress to Impress or any horror game
How many grandparents does Zoey have
8 (Cheryl, Brian, Dan, Tana, Steve, Judy, Scott, Great grandma betty)
What zoeys favorite app
Whats zoeys favorite disney princess
Whats Zoeys favorite Ice cream
Chocolate or coffee almond fudge
Whats Zoeys favorite shoes
Her birkenstock clogs
How many photos does zoey have on her phone
When did zoey start her period this week
Zoeys Favorite halloween movie
Whats zoeys favorite holladay
Where is zoeys birthmark
Her hand
Whats Zoeys favorite soda
trick questions she doesnt drink soda