Where are first aid kits located?
In all Blattner Vehicles
Never compromise safety
Name 1 of the 2 Zone 1 safety individuals
Haley VanVleet - 320-423-6658
Justin Cherry - 320-437-7158
Violations are rarely, if ever, malicious
True; blame fixes nothing
What do you call out on the radio in case of a medical emergency?
Code 9
You'll have that on these big jobs
How often should fire extinguishers be inspected?
Failures cannot occur safely
False; failures CAN occur safely. It's not if, it's when
Can the RMI nurses see you for personal reasons?
Success through teamwork
What are the speed limits on the access roads?
25 mph; but slow down if passing other crews working by the road. No one likes to eat dust!
People make mistakes
True; error is normal
What type of work related injuries do you have to report to supervision/safety?
All types, no matter what it is
F*cking send it
Where is ice and water located?
Laydown yard
Context influences behavior
True, workers do what they do for a reason that makes sense to them given the context of the situation