Super Flex
Our Bodies
Someone took your favorite toy and you yell at them to give it back, how should you have reacted instead?
Nicely ask them to give it back or take turns.

How might you feel in the red zone?

Angry, upset, huge reaction


What zone would you be in if you had rock brain? and how would you help get back to the green zone?

Take some deep breaths, go for a walk, notice you are having rock Brain and say "I can be flexible and have an expected reaction"

What is a strategy?
Something that you do to solve problems
You are smiling, you are looking at your teacher, you are ready to work, what zone are you in?

What strategies would you use if someone was making you upset at recess

Walk away, take a break/walk, play with a different friend, tell a teacher/adult


How might you feel in the green zone?

Happy, Calm, Ready to learn


What zone would you be in if Glassman showed up? and what SuperFlex strategy would you use to get back to the green zone?

Red/Yellow Zone

take a break / some deep breaths /talk it out with an adult

think about the size of the problem and size of reaction and if they match

self-talk: I am starting to get upset, I can keep the problem small and have a small reaction

Why do you need strategies?
To help get back to where you should be when you are ready to learn. Example if you are upset, take a break or do wall push ups
eyes- squinting ears-not listening mouth-yelling hands-punching heart - pounding what zone?
Red zone

Your brother is calling you names what is the expected and unexpected reaction?

expected, walk away and tell a parent, or tell them that it makes you sad or upset unexpected- call names back and have a huge upset reaction


How might you feel in the blue zone?

Sad, tired, sick

What zone is the destroyer of fun in? What is his power? How do you defeat him?
Yellow or Red, competitive, self talk (I want people to want to play games with me)
What strategies do you use if you are in the red zone?
Think about the size of the problem, squeezes, water, tell someone what happened.
Eyes -looking around not paying attention Ears- not listening Mouth - Talking Hands are touching What zone?

You see someone that is sad what do you do?

You check in on them, see if they want to talk, if they need help or want grown up help, let an adult know.


How might you feel in the yellow zone?

Nervous, Silly, Excited, Frustrated


What zone is was funny once in? What is his power? How do you defeat him?

Yellow, humor at the wrong times, self talk, is this the right time to be funny?

You are in a new school and are nervous what zone are you in, and what can you do?
Yellow, self talk, ask other kids to play with you, ask a teacher for help.
How do you tell if someone is in the blue zone?
you might have your arms crossed, heart is beating slowly, may look tired or sick

You break your pencil in class, what is the expected and unexpected reaction? What size of a problem is this? What should the size of the reaction be?

expected- get up quietly and sharpen or get a new pencil
unexpected - fall on the floor screaming, take someone else's pencil. 

Problem is Small : Reaction is Small


Why is it especially important to notice when we are in the yellow zone at school?

Because we might be able to help us from getting into the red zone which means we would be out control and maybe not being safe with our body.

You are standing way to close to another person and they are starting to look uncomfortable, which unthinkable is in your head? How far should you stand away from another person?
The space invader, arm's length
If you are really shy and scared to make new friends what can you do?
Join a group, play with other kids at recess, find something in common.
What is lazy eights breathing and when would you use it?
A breathing technique, when you need to get back to the green zone