Is it okay to be in the yellow zone?
"When I do not have enough energy to work or learn, that means I am in the _________ Zone?"
Name a strategy that can help you get out of the blue zone?
1. Talk a Walk or go exercise
2. Get a drink of water or get a snack
3. Stretch or Talk with a Teacher
Eric walked into his classroom, sat down at his desk, and took out his pencil and notebook. He looked at the teacher and waited to hear hear instructions.
Green Zone
Yellow Zone
silly, yellow zone
True or False: It is okay to be in the blue, yellow or red zones?
What is a strategy to use when you are starting to get frustrated?
Blue Zone
What Zone are they?
Yellow Zone
disgusted, yellow zone
When someone is in the ______ Zone, they may feel very angry, extremely afraid or even out of control.
Hot Chocolate Breathing
If you feel like you are in the red zone and out of control what can you do?
2.Dots and squeezes
3.Pressure Push
4. Calm Down Corner
Anna was playing video games with her friend. She lost the game, so she stood up, threw her controller on the ground. She told her friend "that's not fair!" and stormed out of the room.
Red Zone
What zone are they?
Green Zone
worried, yellow zone
When I am in the _______Zone, I am feeling calm, happy, and focused.
What can you do if you're getting sleepy in class?
1. Take a walk
2. Drink some water
3. Jumping Jacks
Adam got home from school. He dropped his school bag, walked upstairs to his bedroom, and lay down on the bed. He fell asleep right away.
Blue Zone
"I've had a good breakfast and I'm ready to learn!"
Green Zone
embarrassed, yellow zone
"When I have too much energy to focus and learn, then I am in the _______ Zone."
5 Finger Breathing
What is a strategy to use when you are sad?
What zone are they?
Blue Zone
What Zone are they?
Red Zone